Gulp - How to change a destination folders permissions? -

i'm copying file , creating new destination folder file.

return gulp.src('path/to/file/file.jpg')            .pipe( gulp.dest('path/to/destination'); 

the problem folder created has wrong permissions. i've looked on , can't seem find information on how change destination folder's permissions gulp. i've looked gulp-chmod, far can change permissions of file.jpg within new folder.

gulp.src('path/to/file/file.jpg')     .pipe(chmod(0o777, true))     .pipe( gulp.dest('path/to/destination/')); 

you might try adding "mode" option gulp.dest since state creating new folder. see

gulp.dest(path[, options])


type: string default: 0777 octal permission string specifying mode folders need created output folder.


 .pipe( gulp.dest('path/to/destination', {mode: 0777}); 

although default think shouldn't need it. try using 0777 instead of 0o777 in chmod call easy try.


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