extract json data in livecode -
i apologies, new in livecode , have no coding experience. trying extract wunderground hourly json data in livecode, can't
json data:
"response": { "version":"0.1", "termsofservice":"http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/d/terms.html", "features": { "hourly": 1 } } , "hourly_forecast": [ { "fcttime": { "hour": "12","hour_padded": "12","min": "00","min_unpadded": "0","sec": "0","year": "2017","mon": "9","mon_padded": "09","mon_abbrev": "sep","mday": "12","mday_padded": "12","yday": "254","isdst": "0","epoch": "1505196000","pretty": "12:00 pm +06 on september 12, 2017","civil": "12:00 pm","month_name": "september","month_name_abbrev": "sep","weekday_name": "tuesday","weekday_name_night": "tuesday night","weekday_name_abbrev": "tue","weekday_name_unlang": "tuesday","weekday_name_night_unlang": "tuesday night","ampm": "pm","tz": "","age": "","utcdate": "" }, "temp": {"english": "85", "metric": "29"}, "dewpoint": {"english": "77", "metric": "25"}, "condition": "thunderstorm", "icon": "tstorms", "icon_url":"http://icons.wxug.com/i/c/k/tstorms.gif", "fctcode": "15", "sky": "75", "wspd": {"english": "4", "metric": "6"}, "wdir": {"dir": "s", "degrees": "185"}, "wx": "thunderstorms", "uvi": "11", "humidity": "77", "windchill": {"english": "-9999", "metric": "-9999"}, "heatindex": {"english": "94", "metric": "35"}, "feelslike": {"english": "94", "metric": "35"}, "qpf": {"english": "0.03", "metric": "1"}, "snow": {"english": "0.0", "metric": "0"}, "pop": "61", "mslp": {"english": "29.78", "metric": "1008"} } ,
i copied easyjson https://github.com/luxlogica/easyjson stackscript. , button code looks this:
on mouseup put text of fld "city" tcityname put text of fld "country" tcountry put "http://api.wunderground.com/api/dfabb014e63a7457/hourly/q/" &tcountry&"/"&tcityname& ".json" turl put url turl trawjson put textdecode(trawjson,"utf8") fld "weatherdata" put arrayfromjson(trawjson) tarray put tarray["fcttime"]["temp"] fld "temp" end mouseup
in version 8 , above there json library included in livecode, includes 2 commands: jsonimport , jsonexport. jsonimport converts json encoded data array.
put text of fld "city" tcityname put text of fld "country" tcountry put "http://api.wunderground.com/api/dfabb014e63a7457/hourly/q/" &tcountry&"/"&tcityname& ".json" turl put url turl trawjson put textdecode(trawjson,"utf8") fld "weatherdata" put jsonimport(fld "weatherdata") tarray put keys of tarray fld "temp"
there handy tree view widget in v. 8 , higher makes easy visualize contents of array. drag tree view widget onto card tools palette , this:
set arraydata of widget "tree view" tarray
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