javascript - ng-grid cell edit enables even disabled from code -

i have ng-grid dynamic columns. , data binding , other functions of grid working well. i'm having conditional statement in template display label or textbox according conditions .

the problem

in chorme.. label displaying correctly shown in below

enter image description here

but when double click cell goes cell editing mode below

enter image description here

in ie 11

the same thing happens label , textboxes when type goes cell edit mode , bounded events not firing textboxes. i've directives validations allow numbers etc .. things not working.

enter image description here

but in chrome, if don't double click cell textbox won't go cell edit mode , works well.

here code dynamically define grid columns.

function preparegridcolumns() {                  var dtlength = $scope.datelist.length;                 $scope.columndefinitions.length = 0;                 $scope.columndefinitions = [                     {                         field: 'item',                         displayname: 'item',                         width: '25%'                     },                      {                          field: 'suppliername',                          displayname: 'supplier',                          width: '15%'                      },                     {                         field: 'total',                         displayname: 'total',                         width: '6%'                     },                         {                             field: 'variance',                             displayname: 'variance',                             width: '6%'                         }                   ];                  var colwidth = 0;                 if (dtlength > 0)                     colwidth = 50 / dtlength;                 //var cwidth = colwidth.tostring() + "%";                  (var = 0; < dtlength; i++) {                      var newcol = {                         field: $scope.datelist[i].field,                         displayname: $scope.datelist[i].displayname,                         celltemplate:                             '<div class="ngcelltext" >  <input type="text" ng-if="!controlgridcol(row.entity)" only-number decimal-upto="4"  data-ng-model="row.entity.' +                                 $scope.datelist[i].field +                                 '" class="form-control input-lg" ng-keyup="calculateforward(row.entity,col.field,row.entity.' +                                 $scope.datelist[i].field +                                 ')" ng-disabled="controlgridcol(row.entity)" ng-readonly="controlgridcol(row.entity)">' +                                 '<label ng-if="controlgridcol(row.entity)"  data-ng-bind="row.entity.' +                                 $scope.datelist[i].field +                                 '"></label></div>',                         width: '60px',                         enablecelledit: true                      }; // '<div class="ngcelltext">{{row.getproperty(col.field)}}</div>'                      $scope.columndefinitions.push(newcol);                  }                  if (!$scope.$$phase)                     $scope.$apply();              }; 

here code grid

$scope.tgrid = {                 data: 'griddatalist',                 multiselect: false,                  enablecelledit: false,                 enablecolumnresize: true,                 enablecellselection: true,                   plugins: [new nggridflexibleheightplugin()],                  rowtemplate: '<div  style="height: 100%" ng-class="colorrow(row.getproperty(\'variance\'))"><div ng-style="{ \'cursor\': row.cursor }" ng-repeat="col in renderedcolumns" ng-class="col.colindex()" class="ngcell ">' +                     '<div class="ngverticalbar" ng-style="{height: rowheight}" ng-class="{ ngverticalbarvisible: !$last }"> </div>' +                     '<div ng-cell></div>' +                     '</div></div>',                 columndefs: 'columndefinitions',                 //enablepaging: true,                 showfooter: true,                 rowheight: 40,                  footertemplate: "<div ng-show=\"showfooter\" class=\"ngfooterpanel\" ng-class=\"{'ui-widget-content': jqueryuitheme, 'ui-corner-bottom': jqueryuitheme}\" ng-style=\"footerstyle()\">" +                     "    <div class=\"ngtotalselectcontainer\" >" +                     "        <div class=\"ngfootertotalitems\" ng-class=\"{'ngnomultiselect': !multiselect}\" >" +                     "            <span class=\"nglabel\">{{i18n.ngtotalitemslabel}} {{maxrows()}}</span><span ng-show=\"filtertext.length > 0\" class=\"nglabel\">({{i18n.ngshowingitemslabel}} {{totalfiltereditemslength()}})</span>" +                     "        </div>" +                     "        <div class=\"ngfooterselecteditems\" ng-show=\"multiselect\">" +                     "            <span class=\"nglabel\">{{i18n.ngselecteditemslabel}} {{selecteditems.length}}</span>" +                     "        </div>" +                     "    </div>" +                     "</div>"             }; 

the problem was.. i've mentioned enablecelledit: false in grid declaration, i've set true in dynamic column generation.

 var newcol = {                         field: $scope.datelist[i].field,                         displayname: $scope.datelist[i].displayname,                         celltemplate:                             '<div class="ngcelltext" >  <input type="text" ng-if="!controlgridcol(row.entity)" only-number decimal-upto="4"  data-ng-model="row.entity.' +                                 $scope.datelist[i].field +                                 '" class="form-control input-lg" ng-keyup="calculateforward(row.entity,col.field,row.entity.' +                                 $scope.datelist[i].field +                                 ')" ng-disabled="controlgridcol(row.entity)" ng-readonly="controlgridcol(row.entity)">' +                                 '<label ng-if="controlgridcol(row.entity)"  data-ng-bind="row.entity.' +                                 $scope.datelist[i].field +                                 '"></label></div>',                         width: '60px',                          enablecelledit: true  // i've declared column                                                 // cell edit enabled                      }; 

actually mistake..


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