cmake - How to use Jenkin declarative pipeline to build and test on multiple platforms -
i'm trying feel should simple do, can't figure out how.
basically have jenkins master (running on linux) , 2 slaves, 1 on windows , other on macos.
i want build project on 3 platforms , run gtest tests on 3 platforms too.
i can build , run test, junit step doesn't seem collect test results.
i tried put post
block everywhere, doesn't work. if try put post
block in test stage or sibling of stages
, following error:
required context class hudson.filepath missing perhaps forgot surround code step provides this, such as: node
caused agent none
- post
block doesn't know run.
so tried put post
block inside node
block in parallel
step test stage, doesn't seem - doesn't show in console output.
here's jenkinsfile:
pipeline { agent none stages { stage ('clean') { steps { parallel ( "linux" : { node ("linux") { dir("build") { deletedir() writefile file:'dummy', text:'' // creates directory } } }, "windows" : { node('windows') { dir("build") { deletedir() writefile file:'dummy', text:'' // creates directory } } }, "mac" : { node('mac') { dir("build") { deletedir() writefile file:'dummy', text:'' // creates directory } } } ) } } stage ('build') { steps { parallel ( "linux" : { node ("linux") { checkout scm dir("build") { sh '/opt/cmake/bin/cmake .. -dcmake_build_type=release' sh 'make' } } }, "windows" : { node('windows') { checkout(changelog: false, scm: scm) // changelog false, otherwise jenkins shows duplicates. linux (the jenkins master) has changelog enabled. dir("build") { bat 'cmake .. -g "visual studio 15 2017 win64" -dcmake_prefix_path=c:/qt/5.9.1/msvc2017_64' bat "\"${tool 'msbuild'}\" project.sln /p:configuration=release /p:platform=\"x64\" /p:productversion=1.0.0.${env.build_number} /m" } } }, "mac" : { node('mac') { checkout(changelog: false, scm: scm) // changelog false, otherwise jenkins shows duplicates. linux (the jenkins master) has changelog enabled. dir("build") { sh 'cmake .. -dcmake_prefix_path=/usr/local/cellar/qt/5.9.1 -dcmake_build_type=release' sh 'make' } } } ) } } stage ('test') { steps { parallel ( "linux" : { node ("linux") { dir('build') { sh './bin/project-tests --gtest_output=xml:project-tests-results.xml' // add other test executables here. } post { { junit '*-tests-results.xml' } } } }, "windows" : { node('windows') { dir("build") { bat 'tests\\project\\release\\project-tests --gtest_output=xml:project-tests-results.xml' // add other test executables here. } post { { junit '*-tests-results.xml' } } } }, "mac" : { node('mac') { dir("build") { sh './bin/project-tests --gtest_output=xml:project-tests-results.xml' // add other test executables here. } post { { junit '*-tests-results.xml' } } } } ) } } } }
what doing wrong?
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