html - Return multiple elements from React Component -

i have component renders table appropriate styling. is, @ moment, single monolithic component takes huge chunk of data defining columns , data rows.

<mytable     columns={mycolumnlist}     data={mytabledata} /> 

one of key features of table render 2 rows if there additional data not defined in list of columns. selecting row reveal additional data not displayed in table.

i break component smaller elements can use bits need or use alternatives. like:

<mytable> <mytableheader columns={mycolumnlist} /> <mytablebody>     <mytablerow data={row1data} />     <mytablerow data={row2data} />     <mytablerow data={row3data} /> </mytablebody> <mytablefooter /> </mytable> 

but, produce 2 rows. need component potentially have render 2 elements.

the normal way return multiple elements component wrap in invalid html within table.

is there way can have react component renders multiple elements without wrapping them single ?

or, there simpler solution have missed.

a <table> can have multiple <tbody> children, 1 option "row" component return like:

<tbody>     <trow></trow>     <trow></trow> </tbody> 

if did this, should remove "body" component wrapping rows.


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