xamarin.forms - Why facebook login page not appear after try to login with second attempt in xamarin forms -

i working on login in application using facebook login in xamarin android. not using native code here. have struck login in application via facebook login. in login page displayed "login facebook" button. when user clicks on this, goes other page showing facebook login page using web view in page: it's completed. logout application , try login application again, using facebook login, facebook login page not appear instead of showing success message. can 1 please suggest cause of issue these.

sample code:

var apirequest =             "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id="              + clientid             + "&display=popup&response_type=token&redirect_uri=http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html";          var webview = new webview         {             source = apirequest,             heightrequest = 1         };          webview.navigated += webviewonnavigated;          content = webview; 

above code added in xaml.cs file.


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