c# - How to create PDF Report with data from code in list form, not directly from database with Microsoft Report Viewer -

i using microsoft.report.viewer generate pdf in asp .net web api application. far when report data directly database, there no problem. problem is, when try create report subreport within , subreport data got code in list form, didn't expected result. create report subreport tutorial. when generate pdf, message message.

here code :

my web api generate pdf :

[route("generatepdffordailyprogram")]     [httpget]     [allowanonymous]     public async task<ihttpactionresult> generatepdffordailyprogram(int id) {          string guid = guid.newguid().tostring();         string filename = string.concat("booking_no" + convert.tostring(id) + "_" + guid.toupper() + ".pdf");         string filepath = httpcontext.current.server.mappath("~/content/temp/" + filename);         string name = request.requesturi.getleftpart(uripartial.authority) + system.configuration.configurationmanager.connectionstrings[system.configuration.configurationmanager.appsettings["customport"]];         string name2 = request.getrequestcontext().virtualpathroot;         list<tourdestination> destination = new list<tourdestination>();          tourtransactionsummaryviewmodel summaryviewmodel = new tourtransactionsummaryviewmodel();          try {              //summaryviewmodel = await calcsummaryviewmodel(transaction, summaryviewmodel, db);              summaryviewmodel.dailyprograms = dailyprogram(id);             destination = tourdestination(summaryviewmodel.dailyprograms);              list < movement > movementlist = summaryviewmodel.dailyprograms.firstordefault().movements.tolist();             reports.reportgenerator.generatepdffordailyprogram(summaryviewmodel.dailyprograms, destination, filepath);             //await reports.reportgenerator.generatepdfformovement(movementlist,  filepath);               httpresponsemessage result = null;             result = request.createresponse(httpstatuscode.ok);             result.content = new streamcontent(new filestream(filepath, filemode.open));             result.content.headers.contentdisposition = new contentdispositionheadervalue("attachment");             result.content.headers.contentdisposition.filename = filename;              result.dispose();              string convertedfilepath = filepath.replace(@"\\", @"\");            } catch (exception ex) {              return badrequest(ex.message);         }          return ok(name + name2 + "/content/temp/" + filename);     } 

as can see code above, use generatepdffordailyprogram method generate pdf.

here generatepdffordailyprogram method :

public static bool generatepdffordailyprogram(tourtransactionsummaryviewmodel.dailyprogram[] dailyprograms, list<tourdestination> destination , string filepath) {          try {             string binpath = system.io.path.combine(system.appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory, "bin");             var assembly = assembly.load(system.io.file.readallbytes(binpath + "\\tripplannerapi.dll"));              using (stream stream = assembly.getmanifestresourcestream(dailyprogramreport)) {                 var viewer = new reportviewer();                 viewer.localreport.enableexternalimages = true;                 viewer.localreport.loadreportdefinition(stream);                  warning[] warnings;                 string[] streamids;                 string mimetype;                 string encoding;                 string filenameextension;                  viewer.localreport.subreportprocessing += new microsoft.reporting.webforms.subreportprocessingeventhandler(localreport_subreportprocessing);                 viewer.localreport.datasources.add(new reportdatasource("dailyprogram", dailyprograms));                   byte[] bytes = viewer.localreport.render(                     "pdf", null, out mimetype, out encoding, out filenameextension,                     out streamids, out warnings);                  using (filestream fs = new filestream(filepath, filemode.create)) {                     fs.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);                     fs.flush();                 }                  stream.flush();             }         } catch (exception ex) {              return false;         }          return true;     } 

to run subreport, use eventhandler code :

private static void localreport_subreportprocessing(object sender, subreportprocessingeventargs e) {          datetime movementdate = convert.todatetime(e.parameters[0].values[0]);          tourtransactionscontroller controller = new tourtransactionscontroller();          var movement = controller.movements();           list<movement> movementlist = new list<movement>();         movementlist.add(new movement {             destination = "test",             movementdescription = "test",             datetime =  convert.todatetime("2017-09-25") //hardcode test         });          e.datasources.clear();          e.datasources.add(new microsoft.reporting.webforms.reportdatasource() {             name = "dsmovements",             value = movementlist         });          //throw new notimplementedexception();     } 

what did try :

  1. check sub report name, , change report name report file url. still same message.
  2. generate sub report directly, not main report. subreport generated.

ps : when debug code, , put breakpoint in event handler localreport_subreportprocessing breakpoint not hitting while debugging

my questions :

  1. why breakpoint on eventhandler not hitting while debugging ?
  2. is possible eventhandler not hitting while debugging, reason got message the subreport 'movementreport' not found @ specified location movementreport. please verify subreport has been published , name correct. ?
  3. is there other way me create main report data db, , subreport data code in list form ?

any appreciated.


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