python - getting error on frequency distribution,TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' -

doc_clean = [] stopwords_corpus = urducorpusreader('./data', ['stopwords-ur.txt'])     stopwords = stopwords_corpus.words() # print(stopwords) infile in (wordlists.fileids()):     words = wordlists.words(infile)     print(infile)     #print(words)     finalized_words = remove_urdu_stopwords(stopwords, words)     print("\n==== without stopwords ===========\n")     print(finalized_words)     doc_clean.append(finalized_words) fdist1 = freqdist(doc_clean)  print(fdist1)  

i trying calculate frequency of each word in vocabulary.say have 10 documents,firstly have performed tokenization , removed stop words these docs,i read frequency distribution in nltk using tried count frequency of each item in these documents.but getting errortypeerror: unhashable type: 'list'

i'm guessing meant build list of words (after cleanup), line appends each list element of doc_clean:


basically, freqdist count different elements of list-- if these elements lists, you've got problem. build single list of words documents, replace append() extend():



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