embedded - I2C with Atmega168 -
i'm trying control several servos using adafruit pwm servo controller. uses i2c interface communicate micro controller. https://www.adafruit.com/product/815
i'm using atmega 168 attempt send i2c instructions micro controller using simple i2c library.
#include "i2c.h" void initi2c(void) { twbr = 32; /* set bit rate, see p. 242 */ /* 8mhz / (16+2*twbr*1) ~= 100khz */ twcr |= (1 << twen); /* enable */ } void i2cwaitforcomplete(void) { loop_until_bit_is_set(twcr, twint); } void i2cstart(void) { twcr = (_bv(twint) | _bv(twen) | _bv(twsta)); i2cwaitforcomplete(); } void i2cstop(void) { twcr = (_bv(twint) | _bv(twen) | _bv(twsto)); } uint8_t i2creadack(void) { twcr = (_bv(twint) | _bv(twen) | _bv(twea)); i2cwaitforcomplete(); return (twdr); } uint8_t i2creadnoack(void) { twcr = (_bv(twint) | _bv(twen)); i2cwaitforcomplete(); return (twdr); } void i2csend(uint16_t data) { twdr = data; twcr = (_bv(twint) | _bv(twen)); /* init , enable */ i2cwaitforcomplete(); }
i found addresses of servo controller arduino driver i'm having issues setting pwm of board. here code i'm attempting use:
#include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include "i2c.h" #define servo_min 1000 #define servo_max 2000 #define servo_mid 1500 #define pca9685_addr 0x4 #define pca9685_mode1 0x0 #define led0_on_l 0x6 #define led0_on_h 0x7 #define led0_off_l 0x8 #define led0_off_h 0x9 int main(void) { initi2c(); setupcontroller(); for(int = 1; < 17; i++) { setservo(i, 0, 4026); } return 0; } void setupcontroller() { i2cstart(); i2csend(pca9685_addr); i2csend(pca9685_mode1); i2csend(0x0); i2cstop(); } void setservo(uint8_t id, uint16_t start, uint16_t stop) { i2cstart(); i2csend(pca9685_addr); i2csend(led0_on_l+4*id); i2csend(start); i2csend(start>>8); i2csend(stop); i2csend(stop>>8); i2cstop(); }
here driver: https://github.com/adafruit/adafruit-pwm-servo-driver-library
i'm pretty sure i2c isn't set correctly? suggestions?
thank you! :)
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