symfony - Doctrine: Unknown database type bit requested, but I don't use "bit" -

trying update schema, error message:

bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql 

unknown database type bit requested, doctrine\dbal\platforms\mysqlplatform may not support it.

the problem is, don't use bit or boolean property in of entities. message doesn't field or entity affected can't correct it.

a grep in entity folder tree doesn't help:

find . -type f -exec grep -inh '(^| )bit($| )' {} \; find . -type f -exec grep -inh '(^| )boolean($| )' {} \; 

both return empty set (executed entity folder root).

also, added in config.yml, doesn't have effect:

doctrine:   dbal:       mapping_types:           enum: string           bit: boolean 

any ideas or change? (i use symfony 3)


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