windows - Python crashing when launching my tkinterapp -
i'm experiencing error other computer using project demonstration. it's using anaconda 3.
windows giving me error stating "pythonw.exe has stopped working". below details:
problem signature: problem event name: bex application name: pythonw.exe application version: application timestamp: 577c1105 fault module name: stackhash_0a9e fault module version: fault module timestamp: 00000000 exception offset: 3f271bee exception code: c0000005 exception data: 00000008 os version: 6.1.7601. locale id: 3081 additional information 1: 0a9e additional information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 additional information 3: 0a9e additional information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
can shed light cause of issue?
edit: found source of error. it's when pack self._frameplotter
self._frameplotter = tk.frame(master) self._plotter = plotter(self._frameplotter) self._frameplotter.pack(side=tk.left, fill = tk.both, expand=true)
please help.
i've found solution here:
basically, uninstall matplotlib in anaconda
conda uninstall matplotlib
then pip install it:
pip install matplotlib
then it's fixed.
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