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@requestmapping(value = "/getprofileviewdetails.html", method = public @responsebody  responseentity<string> getprofileviewdetails(profiledetailsviewform profiledetailsviewform,         httpservletrequest request) {     final httpheaders httpheaders= new httpheaders();     httpheaders.setcontenttype(mediatype.application_json);      long start = system.currenttimemillis();     log.debug("fetching getprofileviewdetails.html info item started ...");      sowouser sowouser = null;     recruitercandidates recruitercandidates = null;     candidatesubmitted candidatesubmitted = null;     long userid = null;     long recruiterid = null;     long companyid = null;     string decriptuserid = null;     jsonobject json = new jsonobject();     string encriptuserid =null;     if(profiledetailsviewform!=null){         profiledetailsviewform.getencriptuserid();     } 


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