ios - Open file with quicklook(download from url) -
now want open file(ex:.docx,.txt,.ppt,.png) quicklook, download 2 files own server,i want open first file,but i'm not sure if there successful download, , don't know how use quick framework,and
type 'bddeatilviewcontroller' not conform protocol 'qlpreviewcontrollerdatasource'
,but have added protocol of qlpreviewcontrollerdatasource,can me it? here codes,thanks!
class bddeatilviewcontroller:uiviewcontroller,qlpreviewcontrollerdatasource { let quicklookcontroller = qlpreviewcontroller() var fileurlarray:[string] = [] var urlarray : [url] = [] override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() addurltofile(filearray: bulletinboard.attachments!) stringtourl(stringarray: fileurlarray) quicklookcontroller.datasource = self } @ibaction func openfile(_ sender: any) { downloadfile(url: urlarray, atindex: 0) quicklookcontroller.currentpreviewitemindex = 0 navigationcontroller?.pushviewcontroller(quicklookcontroller, animated: true) } //add profix url file func addurltofile(filearray:array<string>) { file in filearray { var newurl:string = "" newurl = "" + file fileurlarray.append(newurl) } } //convert string array url array func stringtourl(stringarray:array<string>) { in stringarray { let url = url(string: i) urlarray.append(url!) } } //download file server func downloadfile(url:[url],atindex:int) { let requesturl = url[atindex] let urlrequest: nsmutableurlrequest = nsmutableurlrequest(url: requesturl) let session = urlsession.shared let task = session.datatask(with: urlrequest urlrequest) { (data, response, error) -> void in if let httpresponse = response as? httpurlresponse { let statuscode = httpresponse.statuscode if (statuscode == 200) || ((statuscode == 204)) { print("everyone fine, file downloaded successfully.") } } } task.resume() } func numberofpreviewitemsinpreviewcontroller(controller: qlpreviewcontroller) -> int { return urlarray.count } func previewcontroller(_ controller: qlpreviewcontroller, previewitemat index: int) -> qlpreviewitem { return urlarray[index] qlpreviewitem } }
you're giving quicklook elements in urlarray
urls. need give file urls quick not download items itself. use nsurlsessiondownloadtask
instead of nsurlsessiondatatask
download file disk, not data object, , give quick downloaded file's url.
additionally, devanshu saini right: you're using wrong qlpreviewcontroller delegate method signatures.
you want these:
func numberofpreviewitems(in: qlpreviewcontroller) func previewcontroller(qlpreviewcontroller, previewitemat: int)
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