mysql - i have some issue to get images in slim framework in php -
$app->post('/upload_media', function($request, $response){ $input = $request->getparsedbody(); $files = $request->getuploadedfiles(); $newfile = $files['upload_file']; $mediaurl = uploadedmediafile($newfile); $sql = "insert tbl_media_files (media_url,media_type,added_on) values (:media_url,:media_type,:added_on)"; try { $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $sth->bindparam("media_url", $mediaurl); $sth->bindparam("media_type", $input['media_type']); $sth->bindparam("added_on",date('y-m-d h:i:s')); $sth->execute(); $media_id = $this->db->lastinsertid(); $data = $this->db->prepare("select * tbl_media_files media_id=:media_id"); $data->bindparam("media_id", $media_id); $data->execute(); $user['data']=$data->fetchobject(); $user['success'] = "true"; $user['message']="media upload success."; } catch(pdoexception $e) { //echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getmessage() .'}}'; $user['success'] = "false"; $user['message']="media upload failed"; } return $this->response->withjson($user); }); image upload function function uploadedmediafile($uploadedfile) { if($uploadedfile->geterror() === upload_err_ok) { $uploadfilename = $uploadedfile->getclientfilename(); $type = explode('/', $uploadedfile->getclientmediatype()); $type = $type[0]; $name = uniqid($type.'-'); $name .= $uploadedfile->getclientfilename(); $large_file = '../upload/large/'.$name; $thumb_file = '../upload/thumb/'.$name; $uploadedfile->moveto($large_file); $photourl = "".$name; // live return $photourl; } }
this api upload_media , uploadedmediafile function on same file src/routes.php
i have try upload image image upload success , return full path of image path run on web-browser (crome) file cant show there message show like
"method not allowed method not allowed. must 1 of: options"
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