angular - Push page from out of app (NavController) -

i created app push notification , want when opened notification pushed page in nav stack:

  this.onesignal.handlenotificationopened().subscribe((data) => {       this.nav.push(componentparent , {some key/value});   }); 

everything ok , page pushed well, use componentchild in componentparent handled variable , after push, not working!

childcomponent (template) :

  <div *ngif='!load' >    //show loading   </div> 

childcomponent (ts) :

  export class loadingpage {        @input() load: boolean = false;        constructor() {}   } 

parentcomponent (template) :

 <loading [load]="load">  </loading>  //some other html tag 

parentcomponent (ts) :

export class idpage {     load:boolean = false;    constructor(){       this.load = true;    }  } 

more details: actually, when push parentcomponent, loader not disappear, if minimize app , again it, loading disappear!


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