symfony - Cannot acces jQuery from Webpack Encore build file -

i developping website using symfony, , (simplified) version of webpack : webpack encore.

my website using 1 javascript file, template.js, uses jquery , begins classic

$(document).ready(function(){ ... })(jquery); 

i prefer load jquery cdn, , doing. if load js/template.js script html file without using webpack, works fine.

but, if tell webpack compile , output js/template.js file content build/app.js , include in html file, happens :

uncaught typeerror: $ not function     @ template.js:12     @ object.<anonymous> (template.js:11)     @ object../assets/js/template.js (app.js:1898)     @ __webpack_require__ (bootstrap 405ca97655117f294089:19)     @ object.0 (jquery.js:10253)     @ __webpack_require__ (bootstrap 405ca97655117f294089:19)     @ bootstrap 405ca97655117f294089:62     @ bootstrap 405ca97655117f294089:62 

note: think webpack finds way tell browser console actual code provides js/template.js, don't worry using build/app.js.

so problem now, code cannot access jquery. it's if webpack surround code in scope cannot access outside.

webpack adds code before inserting content of template.js in app.js, , here how begins inserting :

/***/ "./assets/js/template.js": /*!*******************************!*\   !*** ./assets/js/template.js ***!   \*******************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used */ /***/ (function(module, exports) {  (function ($) {     $(document).ready(function () {          if ($('.boxed .fullscreen-bg').length > 0) {             $("body").addclass("transparent-page-wrapper");         }; 

finally, tried .autoprovidejquery() method encore, changes things in app.js still doesn't work.

the script couldn't access jquery because of this.jquery

(function($){      $(document).ready(function(){         ...     });  })(**this.**jquery); 

replace jquery


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