javascript - JSC_NON_GLOBAL_DEFINE_INIT_ERROR occurs when compiling js with Google Closure Compiler, webpack, and Firebase JS SDK -

jsc_non_global_define_init_error occurs when compiling js tools below:

  • webpack: 3.5.6
  • google closure compiler js: 20170806.0.0
  • firebase js sdk: 4.3.1


  • macos x: 10.11.6
  • node.js: v7.10.0
  • npm: 4.2.0

here error message:

error in app.bundle.js:5325 (jsc_non_global_define_init_error) @define variable  assignment must global 

with webpack.config.js below:

module.exports = {   plugins: [     new closurecompiler({       options: {         languagein: 'ecmascript6',         languageout: 'ecmascript3',         compilationlevel: 'simple_optimizations',         warninglevel: 'quiet'       }     })   ] 

this error due @define annotation inside firebase/utils/constants.js.

var constants = exports.constants = {   /**    * @define {boolean} whether client node.js sdk.    */   node_client: false,   /**    * @define {boolean} whether admin node.js sdk.    */   node_admin: false,   /**    * firebase sdk version    */   sdk_version: '4.3.1' }; 

i'm not sure reason why firebase uses @define annotation, decided use uglifyjswebpackplugin tentative measure.

module.exports = {   plugins: [     new uglifyjsplugin({       output: {         comments: false       }     }),     new closurecompiler({       options: {         languagein: 'ecmascript6',         languageout: 'ecmascript3',         compilationlevel: 'simple_optimizations',         warninglevel: 'quiet'       }     })   ] 

fortunately uglifyjswebpackplugin seemed fix problem.

my questions are,

  • does know better way solve this?
  • do think there bad side-effects?

@define annotations must global. in webpack, module , therefore not global.

best option might write custom loader strips annotation away.


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