java - I'm working on a convex hull project using processing3, could somebody tell me if there's anyway to quit a function (not the whole program)? -

    int currentpoint = 2;     int direction = 1;     pvector copyof(pvector p){         return new pvector(p.x, p.y);     }      void addpoint() {          hull.add(points.get(currentpoint));      // @ turn direction in last 3 points     // (we have work copies of points because java)         p1 = copyof(hull.get(hull.size() - 3));         p2 = copyof(hull.get(hull.size() - 2));         p3 = copyof(hull.get(hull.size() - 1));           while (!crossprod (p1, p2, p3) && hull.size() > 2) {     // if crossproduct <= 0, remove middle point     // if crossproduct >= 0, nothing because have add point before             hull.remove(hull.size() - 2);             if (hull.size() >= 3) {     //in case of null pointer error                 p1 = copyof(hull.get(hull.size() - 3));             }             p2 = copyof(hull.get(hull.size() - 2));             p3 = copyof(hull.get(hull.size() - 1));         }     //you'll see information in console         println("currentpoint: " + currentpoint + " numpoints: " + points.size() + " hullsize: " + hull.size()+" direction:"+direction);         if (currentpoint == points.size() -1 || currentpoint == 0) {     //when direction = 1, it's traversal of points o(n)     //when direction = -1, construction of convex hull began o(nlogn)             direction = direction * -1;             if (currentpoint == 0){     /****add code here*****/             }         }          currentpoint+= direction;     } 

it's quite hard explain question without code. want add code when currentpoint = 0, quit addpoint() function. exit() won't work, quit whole program , animation played disappear. can't think solution that, has ideas that?

from the reference:

the keyword return may used break out of function, not allowing program remaining statements.

void draw() {   background(204);   line(0, 0, width, height);   if (mousepressed) {     return;  // break out of draw(), skipping line statement below   }   line(0, height, width, 0);  // executed if mouse not pressed } 

so in case:

i want add code when currentpoint = 0, quit addpoint() function.

if(currentpoint == 0){   return; } 

taking step back, should habit of doing research. quick google search of "java quit function" returns bunch of results, including:


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