javascript - Input type "range" - Set dynamic range -

i'm looking way set minimum value of input of type range equal value of specific field.

at moment, have this:

these shown in modal window

<div class="form-group">     <label asp-for="numdevices" class="col-md-2 control-label"></label>     <div class="col-md-10">         <input id="numdevices" type="text" asp-for="numdevices" class="form-control" />         <input id="getnum" type="range" max="10" step="1" onchange="fetch()" class="form-control" />     </div> </div> 

and current js:

<script>     function getminimun() {          var minimun = document.getelementbyid("numdevices").value;         var shareminimun = number(minimun);         document.getelementbyid("getnum").min = shareminimun;     } </script> 

questions: need call getminimun() function input of id: "getnum". how can that? there onload option? onload="getminimun()"

is correct i'm proposing? can made better?

for curious, fetch() function:

<script>     function fetch()     {         var = document.getelementbyid("getnum").value;         document.getelementbyid("numdevices").value = get;     } </script> 

solved this:

since i'm using modal window show these fields added following code in order execute javascript once modal opens.

<script>     $(document).ready(function getminimun() {         $('#modal-action-machine').on('', function () {             var minimun = document.getelementbyid("numdevices").value;             var shareminimun = number(minimun);             document.getelementbyid("getnum").min = shareminimun;             document.getelementbyid("getnum").value = shareminimun;         });     }); </script> 

it needed set value of "getnum" input type range particular case.


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