winapi - MS Excel SDK issue: Can't use ToolTip in Tree-View control in XLL add-in -

i have dialog window tree-view control user can drag items rearrange tree.

it looks , behaves differently when used in executable , in ms excel add-in xll.

it looks during drag operation when used in executable(this desired look):

enter image description here

but when use same dialog in ms excel add-in xll(where displayed when user selects command) looks this(notice missing tooltip, , icons expanded items):

enter image description here

what causing this? there way can make dialog way when used in executable?

i suspect has comctl32.dll version, following returns version 6.16 when called executable, 5.82 when called xll:

hinstance hinstdll = loadlibrary(lpszdllname); dllgetversionproc pdllgetversion =     (dllgetversionproc)getprocaddress(hinstdll, "dllgetversion"); 

i have following manifest in .cpp file.

#include <commctrl.h> #pragma comment(lib, "comctl32.lib")  // enable visual style #if defined _m_ix86 #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='' version='' processorarchitecture='x86' publickeytoken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") #elif defined _m_ia64 #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='' version='' processorarchitecture='ia64' publickeytoken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") #elif defined _m_x64 #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='' version='' processorarchitecture='amd64' publickeytoken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") #else #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='' version='' processorarchitecture='*' publickeytoken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") #endif 

if in dll have resource of type rt_manifest name isolationaware_manifest_resource_id (note exe need use createprocess_manifest_resource_id) loader create activation context our dll (and save in ldr_data_table_entry.entrypointactivationcontext) activate before call our dll entry point, , deactivate after return. - in process have many dlls - dll need activate context ? system activate activation context exe only. , dll - temporary, during call entry point. need use activation context (from our dll) during create window etc.

so strategy next:

get , save our activation context on dll_process_attach:

// global variables handle g_hactctx; boolean g_bactctxvalid;  case dll_process_attach:     //...     g_bactctxvalid = getcurrentactctx(&g_hactctx) != false;     //... 

when need create window, dialog, etc - need activate saved context:

ulong_ptr cookie; if (activateactctx(g_hactctx, &cookie)) {     createwindowexw(..);     deactivateactctx(0, cookie); } 

and finally, on dll unload - release context:

case dll_process_detach:     if (g_bactctxvalid)releaseactctx(g_hactctx); 

note not once answered here - example. 1 difference - in other solutions used createactctx api (with dwflags = actctx_flag_hmodule_valid | actctx_flag_resource_name_valid, lpresourcename = isolationaware_manifest_resource_id, hmodule = &__imagebase) - call create activation context again our dll. instead prefer use created system activation context our dll (this current context inside dllmain). not duplicate, reference created. getcurrentactctx instead createactctx


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