File extension when open custom file with Xamarin Android -

i'm trying open custom file in xamarin android app when open can't file extension correctly or name of file. tried onedrive , works not google drive or downloads app.

this androidmanifest:

<application android:allowtaskreparenting="true" ...>     <activity android:launchmode="singletask" ...>                   <intent-filter android:autoverify="true">             <action android:name="android.intent.action.view" />             <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" />             <category android:name="android.intent.category.browsable" />             <data android:scheme="content" android:mimetype="application/octet-stream" android:pathpattern=".*\\.pec" />             <data android:scheme="content" android:mimetype="application/*" android:pathpattern=".*\\.pec" />             <data android:scheme="content" android:mimetype="*/*" android:pathpattern=".*\\.pec" />         </intent-filter>         ...     </activity> </application> 

i intent in onnewintent method because i'm using singletask launchmode. code this:

protected override void onnewintent(intent intent) {    string action = intent.action;    string type = intent.type;     an.uri fileuri =;     string filename = fileuri.lastpathsegment;  } 

and fileuri , filename.

  • from onedrive: content://

  • from google drive: content://

  • from downloads: content://


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