xml - Xamarin Microcharts extension namespace not recognised -

i building app in xamarin forms. trying simple chart element appear on page when loaded.

i have installed microcharts.forms v0.6.2 package aloïs deniel use in xamarin forms application.

when add line <forms:chartview x:name="chart1"/> litechartpage.xaml file, on compile error.

'forms' undeclared prefix. line 8, position 6.

i have using microcharts; in litechartpage.xaml.cs file.

here xaml code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <contentpage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"              xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml"              xmlns:local="clr-namespace:app1"              xmlns:chart="clr-namespace:microcharts.forms;assembly=microcharts.forms"              x:class="app1.litechartpage">         <forms:chartview x:name="chart1"/> </contentpage> 

here litechartpage.xaml.cs code:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using xamarin.forms;  using static skiasharp.skcanvas; using microcharts; using entry = microcharts.entry;  namespace app1 {     public partial class litechartpage : contentpage     {         public litechartpage()         {             microcharts.chart c = new microcharts.barchart();             list<microcharts.entry> entries = new list<microcharts.entry>             {                 new microcharts.entry(200)                 {                     color = skiasharp.skcolor.parse("#ff1493"),                     label = "litecoin price",                     valuelabel = "200"                 },                 new microcharts.entry(400)                 {                     color = skiasharp.skcolor.parse("#bb1493"),                     label = "bitcoin price",                     valuelabel = "200"                 },                 new microcharts.entry(-100)                 {                     color = skiasharp.skcolor.parse("#ffbbd3"),                     label = "etherium price",                     valuelabel = "200"                 },             };             c.entries = entries;                   initializecomponent();          }     } } 

do need add reference forms namespace somewhere?

change prefix of .because here declared namespace in content page chart using forms.


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