Install a component again during repair by WIX installer -

i want write on registry when install product. could've done inside component.

<component win64='$(var.win64)' id='registrysetup' guid='840d9dc3-3f98-4597-a089-d649ec3e7feb' directory='targetdir'>        <registrykey root="hklm" key='[utillregkey]' forcecreateoninstall='yes' forcedeleteonuninstall='yes' >         <permission user="everyone" genericall="yes" />       </registrykey> </component> 

[utillregkey] generated custom action, value differ each time runs.

now need run installer change mode, , works. when run on change mode need run above compnent again make registry key.

is there way that?


what meant "run on change mode" is, if installer runs second time "maintenancetypedlg" opened. , has 3 buttons "change", "repair" & "remove". (i customizing wixui_mondo )

i changed dialog use change button intended do. (instead of add/remove features want write on registry once more)

if "change" button clicked wixui_installmode property set "change"

 <publish property="wixui_installmode" value="change">1</publish> 

i tried use custom action since user doesn't have write permission registry key, not either.
