raspberry pi - Processing and GLVideo Error eventually breaking RaspberryPi GPIO connection with sketch -
please help! sketch runs great, acts zoetrope - have bike wheel set sends pulse each revolution , pulse scrubs next frame of video. problem stops reading after few minutes. ideas why happening?
import com.pi4j.io.gpio.gpiocontroller; import com.pi4j.io.gpio.gpiofactory; import com.pi4j.io.gpio.gpiopindigitalinput; import com.pi4j.io.gpio.pinpullresistance; import com.pi4j.io.gpio.raspipin; import gohai.glvideo.*; glmovie video1; gpiocontroller gpio; gpiopindigitalinput button; float interval = 0; void setup() { size(500, 500, p2d); gpio = gpiofactory.getinstance(); button = gpio.provisiondigitalinputpin(raspipin.gpio_02, pinpullresistance.pull_down); video1 = new glmovie(this, "wheel_1.mp4"); video1.play(); video1.jump(0); video1.pause(); } void draw() { //nocursor(); clear(); //whistlesong610pm if (button.ishigh()) { println(interval); clear(); // background(255); interval = interval + 15 ; if (video1.available()) { video1.read(); //float movieposition = map(mousex, 0, 20000, 0, 3000); float movieposition = interval; video1.jump(movieposition); image(video1, 0, 0, width, height); } if (interval >= 18000) { video1.jump(0); interval = 0; } } }
and errors here:
glvideo: omx264dec-omxh264dec0: not configure supporting library. debugging informaiton: gstomxvideodec.c(1620): gst_omx_video_dec_loop () /gstplaybin:playbin0/gsturidecodebin:uridecodebin: unable reconfigure output port glvideo: omx264dec-omxh264dec0: gstreamer encountered general supporting library error. debugging information: gstomxvideodec.c(1527) openmax comnponent in error state none (0x00000000)
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