encryption - Getting space for + sign in apex while reading value from URL -

we have requirement encrypting salesforce id value using crypto class method. crypto.encryptwithmanagediv('aes128', key, data);

but generates key contains + sign , when read value in apex space + sign.

we tried encodingutil.urldecode , encodingutil.urlencode. in case + sign getting converted %2b , again space in apex.

for ex -

encoded value in url gabh0fiek5l2m8wvktv+p4r5qlay2d9jz2bgsyq3mj1/9pummine6y5p6i3zridl

encoded value in apex

gabh0fiek5l2m8wvktv p4r5qlay2d9jz2bgsyq3mj1/9pummine6y5p6i3zridl

can please suggest how handle situation?

we can handle spaces replacing + sign . not sure, if throw error specific characters/case.


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