android - Youtube video in Webview and listview using React Native -
i new in react native. facing problem of youtube videos playing audio only. below code using now:
import react, { component } 'react' import { view, listview, webview, stylesheet, scrollview } 'react-native' url=[ { "videourl":"", }, { "videourl":"", }, { "videourl":"", }, ] class webviewexample extends component{ constructor (props) { super (props); const ds = new listview.datasource({ rowhaschanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2 }); this.state = { datasource: ds.clonewithrows(url), }; } render(){ return ( <listview datasource={ this.state.datasource } renderrow={this.renderrows.bind(this)} /> ); } renderrows(rowdata){ console.log("url: "+rowdata.videourl); return( <view style={styles.container}> <view style={{borderwidth:3, bordercolor : '#ff0000', flex:1}}> <webview source={{uri: rowdata.videourl}} style={{}} /> </view> </view> ); } } export default webviewexample; const styles = stylesheet.create({ container: { height: 350, } })
react native version:0.47
though code correct, throw error have mention url
const url=[ { "videourl":"", }, { "videourl":"", }, { "videourl":"", }, ];
check expo
note: video won't display in expo web version, able see in mobile version.
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