OpenShift build config - push to -

im trying build dockerfile using openshifts build config.

the actual build completes successfully.

i have set build config push resulting image dockerhub. i've supplied secret contains username , password - , have double checked credentials.

yet when run following error:

pushing image hughestech/grpcdev ... error: build error: failed push image: unauthorized: authentication required 

build config yml

apiversion: v1 kind: buildconfig metadata:   annotations: openshiftnewapp   creationtimestamp: '2017-09-11t20:32:47z'   labels:     app: grpcdev   name: grpcdev   namespace: testproject   resourceversion: '72394'   selflink: /oapi/v1/namespaces/testproject/buildconfigs/grpcdev   uid: 5f70c545-9730-11e7-ab81-002421dde3d7 spec:   nodeselector: null   output:     pushsecret:       name: dockhub-hughestech     to:       kind: dockerimage       name: hughestech/grpcdev   postcommit: {}   resources: {}   runpolicy: serial   source:     git:       uri: ''     type: git   strategy:     dockerstrategy:       from:         kind: imagestreamtag         name: 'ubuntu:17.04'     type: docker   triggers:     - github:         secret: goh6eci9bddju_p51gl5       type: github     - generic:         secret: pfakvrk8xwvgwhvmk77v       type: generic     - imagechange:         lasttriggeredimageid: >-           i386/ubuntu@sha256:22021496a6dd003b7fdc264985a578fb771edafa4cc9f790dd5e4967823567b2       type: imagechange     - type: configchange status:   lastversion: 4 

i created new secret, , used url, , linked builder service account.


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