C language: How to pass a variable arguments list of void* to a function -
i trying pass variable arguments list of void* elements function in c.
how do this?
how calculate number of items in list?
how loop through var-args list , pass each void* item function takes void* item parameter?
this have done, not working.
void addvalues(list* data, void* args, ...) { int len = sizeof (args) / sizeof (*args); for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ processitem(args[0]); } } void processitem(void* item){ }
how calculate number of items in list?
you can't. must provided or derivable.
how loop through var-args list , pass each void item function takes void* item parameter?*
as documented in variadic functions,
#include <stdarg.h> void addvalues(int count, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, count); for(int i=count; i--; ) processitem(va_arg(args, void*)); va_end(args); }
example usage:
void* p1 = ...; void* p2 = ...; void* p3 = ...; void* p4 = ...; addvalues(4, p1, p2, p3, p4);
it depends on doing, should using array instead of variadic parameters.
void addvalues(int count, const void** args) { for(int i=count; i--; ) processitem(*(args++)); }
example usage:
#define c_array_length(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0])) void* ptrs[4]; ptrs[0] = ...; ptrs[1] = ...; ptrs[2] = ...; ptrs[3] = ...; addvalues(c_array_len(ptrs), ptrs);
or (if pointers can't null):
void addvalues(const void** args) { while (*args != null) processitem(*(args++)); }
example usage:
void* ptrs[5]; ptrs[0] = ...; ptrs[1] = ...; ptrs[2] = ...; ptrs[3] = ...; ptrs[4] = null; addvalues(ptrs);
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