c# - PDFsharp not giving pdf file in response -

i working on export functionality using pdfsharp in .net mvc not getting error in code not getting pdf file in response.

i have tried doing manually writing specific path of : system.io.file.writeallbytes(path1, bytes); , it's working perfectly, not getting pdf in response of

response.binarywrite(bytes); response.outputstream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); 

anyone have faced type of issue or community please here code :

public bool exportpdf(string htmlcontenttbl)     {         response.clearcontent();         response.buffer = true;         response.addheader("content-disposition",  "attachment;filename=myfile.pdf");         response.contenttype = "application/pdf";          response.charset = "";         stringwriter sw = new stringwriter();         htmltextwriter htw = new htmltextwriter(sw);          pdfdocument document =  pdfgenerator.generatepdf(htmlcontenttbl.tostring(), pdfsharp.pagesize.a4,  30);          var config = new pdfgenerateconfig();         config.pageorientation = pageorientation.landscape;         config.pagesize = pagesize.a4;         config.marginbottom = 30;         config.margintop = 30;          byte[] bytes = null;         using (memorystream stream = new memorystream())         {             document.save(stream, true);             bytes = stream.toarray();         }          var path1 = server.mappath("~/images/" +                      datetime.now.timeofday.ticks + "result.pdf");         //system.io.file.writeallbytes(path1, bytes);          //response.binarywrite(bytes);         //response.outputstream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);          response.flush();         response.end();          return true;      } 

thank you,


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