angularjs - Error while adding Android platform to Ionic v3.9.2 -

i using ionic version 3.9.2 node 5.3.0. tried add android platform app, showing error follows:

running command - failed! error] exception: using cordova-fetch cordova-android@~6.2.2     error: failed fetch platform cordova-android@~6.2.2    either connection problem, or platform spec incorrect.    check connection , platform name/version/url.    error: cmd: command failed exit code 4294963248 error output:    npm err! path d:\ionic\simbing\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules\getpass\node_modules    npm err! code eperm    npm err! errno -4048    npm err! syscall lstat    npm err! error: eperm: operation not permitted, lstat    'd:\ionic\simbing\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules\getpass\node_modules'    npm err!     @ error (native)    npm err!  { error: eperm: operation not permitted, lstat    'd:\ionic\simbing\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules\getpass\node_modules'    npm err!     @ error (native)    npm err!   stack: 'error: eperm: operation not permitted, lstat    \'d:\\ionic\\simbing\\node_modules\\fsevents\\node_modules\\getpass\\node_modules\'\n    @     error (native)',    npm err!   errno: -4048,    npm err!   code: 'eperm',    npm err!   syscall: 'lstat',    npm err!   path:    'd:\\ionic\\simbing\\node_modules\\fsevents\\node_modules\\getpass\\node_modules' }    npm err!    npm err! please try running command again root/administrator.     npm err! complete log of run can found in:    npm err!    c:\users\eficaz2020\appdata\roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2017-09-12t11_09_42_574z-debug.log 

if using windows, should open windows environment variables , add path c:\windows\system32 in system variables, close , reopen cmd , try again. also, sure run commands administrator.

check version of android provided cordova under c:/users/%user%/.cordova/lib/npm-cache/cordova-android (if using windows) , install respective android platform version.

if of doesn't work following :

1- remove android platform

2- add specific version of android giving error

cordova platform add android@6.2.2 

3- can try command below based on similar issue

cordova platform add android --nofetch 


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