opencv - Key-point Detection and Image Stitching -
so shown in image below, have key points detected on image output image after wrap perspective neglects first image on left side, cannot figure out why !
import numpy np import imutils import cv2 class stitcher: def __init__(self): # determine if using opencv v3.x self.isv3 = imutils.is_cv3() def stitch(self, imagea,imageb, ratio=0.75, reprojthresh=10.0, showmatches=false): # unpack images, detect keypoints , extract # local invariant descriptors them #(imageb, imagea) = images (kpsa, featuresa) = self.detectanddescribe(imagea) (kpsb, featuresb) = self.detectanddescribe(imageb) # match features between 2 images m = self.matchkeypoints(kpsa, kpsb, featuresa, featuresb, ratio, reprojthresh) # if match none, there aren't enough matched # keypoints create panorama if m none: return none # otherwise, apply perspective warp stitch images # (matches, h, status) = m #print(m) #print(matches) #print(h) #print(status) #cv2.imwrite('intermediate.jpg',matches) result = cv2.warpperspective(imagea, h, (imagea.shape[1] + imageb.shape[1], imagea.shape[0])) result[0:imageb.shape[0], 0:imageb.shape[1]] = imageb #cv2.imshow('intermediate',result) # check see if keypoint matches should visualized if showmatches: vis = self.drawmatches(imagea, imageb, kpsa, kpsb, matches, status) # return tuple of stitched image , # visualization return (result, vis) # return stitched image return result def detectanddescribe(self, image): # convert image grayscale gray = cv2.cvtcolor(image, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # check see if using opencv 3.x if self.isv3: # detect , extract features image #sift algorithm descriptor = cv2.xfeatures2d.sift_create() #surf algorithm #descriptor = cv2.xfeatures2d.surf_create()# 400 hesian threshold, optimum values should around 300-500 #upright surf: faster , can used panorama stiching i.e our case. #descriptor.upright = true print(descriptor.descriptorsize()) (kps, features) = descriptor.detectandcompute(image, none) print(len(kps),features.shape) # otherwise, using opencv 2.4.x else: # detect keypoints in image detector = cv2.featuredetector_create("sift") kps = detector.detect(gray) # extract features image extractor = cv2.descriptorextractor_create("sift") (kps, features) = extractor.compute(gray, kps) # convert keypoints keypoint objects numpy # arrays kps = np.float32([ kp in kps]) # return tuple of keypoints , features #print("features",features) return (kps, features) def matchkeypoints(self, kpsa, kpsb, featuresa, featuresb, ratio, reprojthresh): # compute raw matches , initialize list of actual # matches matcher = cv2.descriptormatcher_create("bruteforce") rawmatches = matcher.knnmatch(featuresa, featuresb, 2) matches = [] # loop on raw matches m in rawmatches: # ensure distance within ratio of each # other (i.e. lowe's ratio test) if len(m) == 2 , m[0].distance < m[1].distance * ratio: matches.append((m[0].trainidx, m[0].queryidx)) print(len(matches)) # computing homography requires @ least 4 matches if len(matches) > 4: # construct 2 sets of points ptsa = np.float32([kpsa[i] (_, i) in matches]) ptsb = np.float32([kpsb[i] (i, _) in matches]) # compute homography between 2 sets of points (h, status) = cv2.findhomography(ptsa, ptsb, cv2.ransac, reprojthresh) # return matches along homograpy matrix # , status of each matched point return (matches, h, status) # otherwise, no homograpy computed return none def drawmatches(self, imagea, imageb, kpsa, kpsb, matches, status): # initialize output visualization image (ha, wa) = imagea.shape[:2] (hb, wb) = imageb.shape[:2] vis = np.zeros((max(ha, hb), wa + wb, 3), dtype="uint8") vis[0:ha, 0:wa] = imagea vis[0:hb, wa:] = imageb # loop on matches ((trainidx, queryidx), s) in zip(matches, status): # process match if keypoint # matched if s == 1: # draw match pta = (int(kpsa[queryidx][0]), int(kpsa[queryidx][1])) ptb = (int(kpsb[trainidx][0]) + wa, int(kpsb[trainidx][1])) cv2.line(vis, pta, ptb, (0, 255, 0), 1) # return visualization return vis
above code used key point detection , stitching,
one more question if can me vertical image stitching other rotating images , performing horizontal stitching.
thanks lot !
i changed code , used @alexander's padtransf.warpperspectivepadded function, perform wrapping , blending ! can me getting lighting uniform output image?
i had issue myself. if not mistaken using this blog reference.
the issue warpperspective
in regards line:
result = cv2.warpperspective(imagea, h, (imagea.shape[1] + imageb.shape[1], imagea.shape[0])) result[0:imageb.shape[0], 0:imageb.shape[1]] = imageb
this method omnidirectional. mean stitching imagea on imageb replacing pixel values based on width , height represented .shape[0]
, .shape[1]
. solved in c++ , therefor don't have python code show can give run down of must done.
- get 4 corners of each of images using.
- get min , max corners each image found in step 1.
- create mat "htr" used map image 1 result in line warped image two.,2) represnts location in mats 3x3 matrix. numpy need use here.
mat htr = mat::eye(3,3,cv_64f); if (min_x < 0){ max_x = image2.size().width - min_x;<double>(0,2)= -min_x; } if (min_y < 0){ max_y = image2.size().height - min_y;<double>(1,2)= -min_y; }
- perform perspective transform on 4 corners of each image see end in space.
perspectivetransform(vector<point2f> fourpointimage1, vector<point2f> image1dst, htr*homography); perspectivetransform(vector<point2f> fourpointimage2, vector<point2f> image2dst, htr);
- get min , max values
4 corners ,iamge2dst
4 corners. - get min , max of
, use create newblank image
of correct size hold final stitched images. - repeat step 3 process time determine
needed adjust 4 corners of each image make sure moved virtual space ofblank image
- finally throw in actual images homographies have found/made.
warpperspective(image1, blankimage, (translation*homography),result.size(), inter_linear,border_constant,(0)); warpperspective(image2, image2updated, translation, result.size(), inter_linear, border_constant, (0));
the end goal , result determine images warped can make blank image hold entirety of stitched images nothing cropped out. once have done pre-processing stitch images together. hope helps , if have questions holler.
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