mongodb - Python Eve not following set schema and returning full document when using aggregation pipeline -

i have simple api in coordinates , distance provided , , documents within distance returned. intend return id , distance defined schema being ignored , whole document being returned. ideas?

item = {'item_title': 'relate',         'datasource': {             'source': 'api',             'filter': {'_type': 'line'},             'aggregation': {'pipeline': [{'$geonear':{'near':{'type': 'point', 'coordinates': '$coords'},'distancefield': 'distance','maxdistance': '$maxdist','num': 1, 'spherical': 'true'}}]}             },          'schema': {              '_id': {'type': 'string'},              'distance': {'type': 'float'}              },          }  domain = {"data": item} 

and postman query is:

http://localhost:8090/data?aggregate={"$maxdist": 500, "$coords": [-1.47, 50.93]} 


following neil's comment tried this:

item = {'item_title': 'relate',              'schema': {                 'uri': {'type': 'string'},                 'distance': {'type': 'float'}                 },             'datasource': {                 'source': 'api',                 'filter': {'_type': 'link'},                 'aggregation': {'pipeline': [{'$geonear':{'near':{'type': 'point', 'coordinates': ['$lng', '$lat']},'distancefield': 'distance','maxdistance': '$maxdist','num': 1, 'spherical': 'true'}}]}                 }             } 

with following postman request:

http://localhost:8090/data?aggregate={"$maxdist": 500, "$lng": -1.47, "$lat": 50.93} 

this leading following error:

geonear command failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: "'near' field must point", code: 17304, codename: "location17304" } 


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