wpf - c# Bluetooth LE - write configuration error - ValueChanged never called -
so try connect c# wpf program ble device , code connect device:
private async task connecttowatcher(deviceinformation deviceinfo) { try { // device bluetoothledevice device = await bluetoothledevice.fromidasync(deviceinfo.id); // gatt service thread.sleep(150); var gattservicesresult = await device.getgattservicesforuuidasync(new guid(rx_service_uuid)); service = gattservicesresult.services[0]; // gatt characteristic thread.sleep(150); var gattcharacteristicsresult = await service.getcharacteristicsforuuidasync(new guid(rx_char_uuid)); characteristic = gattcharacteristicsresult.characteristics[0]; // register notifications thread.sleep(150); characteristic.valuechanged += (sender, args) => { debug.writeline($"[{device.name}] received notification containing {args.characteristicvalue.length} bytes"); }; gattwriteresult result = await characteristic.writeclientcharacteristicconfigurationdescriptorwithresultasync(gattclientcharacteristicconfigurationdescriptorvalue.notify); debug.writeline($"characteristics write result: status={result.status}, protocolerror={result.protocolerror}"); } catch (exception ex) when ((uint)ex.hresult == 0x800710df) { debug.writeline("bluetooth error 1"); // error_device_not_available because bluetooth radio not on. } }
the line
debug.writeline($"characteristics write result: status={result.status}, protocolerror={result.protocolerror}"
creates output characteristics write result: status=protocolerror, protocolerror=3 couldn't find anywhere whats supposed mean. effect method characteristic.valuechanged never gets called.
do have more have characteristic configurated? , has idea why method isn't called or error message means?
thanks bunch.
apparently, windows 10 builds have com security bug. solution register windows-insider-program , update windows.
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