elixir - Assigning Repo to module attribute? -

how can use module attributes set repo on fly? example, have staging , production envs:

defmodule test   @repo "staging"    def repo     case @repo         "staging" -> alias myapp.schools.staging.repo, as: srepo         "production" -> alias myapp.schools.prod.repo, as: srepo     end   end end 

if do: test.repo get: elixir.myapp.schools.staging.repo so, why did not got expecting myapp.schools.staging.repo ?


i tried return module without alias:

def repo         case @repo             "staging" -> myapp.schools.staging.repo             "production" -> myapp.schools.prod.repo         end       end 

but, got elixir.myapp.schools.staging.repo

if want switch repo based on value in params received controller functions (instead of more common way of running separate instance of app, 1 myapp.repo pointing staging , 1 pointing production), can create function returns appropriate repo module based on params, , call functions on returned value.

defmodule myapp   def repo("staging"), do: myapp.staging.repo   def repo("production"), do: myapp.production.repo end  defmodule myapp.postcontroller   ...   # env can "staging" or "production"   def index(conn, %{"env" => env})     repo = myapp.repo(env)     render conn, "index.html", posts: repo.all(post)   end end 


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