windows - Why Doesn't External Triggering of System Beep Trigger Hooked Code? -
this code works expected "cin" line removed , "beep(750, 300);" uncommented: beep "caught" hook function.
when run is, open shell, , hit control-g, followed enter, triggers system beep- beep doesn't seem triggering print statement in code. tried sleep(30000), didn't work either.
#include "stdafx.h" #include "mhook-lib/mhook.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; // goal: detect use of 'beep' function via hook // define _beep in order dynamically bind function (what function???) typedef bool (winapi *_beep)(dword, dword); // backup address of beep function, need restored after hooking _beep backupaddress_beep = (_beep)getprocaddress(getmodulehandle(l"kernel32"), "beep"); // function inserted before beep function once hook in place bool winapi hookbeep(dword dw_freq, dword dw_duration) { printf("***** call beep(%u, %u).\n", dw_freq, dw_duration); // continue chain: send beep required params return backupaddress_beep(dw_freq, dw_duration); } int wmain(int argc, wchar* argv[]) { //handle hproc = null; printf("testing beep.\n"); if (mhook_sethook((pvoid*)&backupaddress_beep, hookbeep)) { // happens if external program initiates beep, rather ourselves? loop until keyboard break? //beep(750, 300); int x; cin >> x; // remove hook mhook_unhook((pvoid*)&backupaddress_beep); } return 0; }
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