kendo ui - KendoGrid Filter not full width -
i using kendogrid , using bootstrap, in _layout have
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
its placement after bootstraps css.
the code generates grid
function showdepartmentgrid(a) { $('#department-grid').kendogrid({ norecords: { template: "no records." }, datasource: { data: }, schema: { model: { fields: { departmentid: { type: "number" }, departmentname: { type: "string" }, division: { type: "string" }, county: { type: "string" } } } }, filterable: { mode: "row" }, columns: [ { template: '<button type="button" class="edit-link"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" style="color:green"></span></button>', width: 45 }, { field: "departmentid", title: "id", hidden: true }, { field: "departmentname", title: "department", filterable: { cell: { showoperators: false, operator: "contains" } } }, { field: "divisionname", title: "division", filterable: { cell: { showoperators: false, operator: "contains" } } }, { field: "countyname", title: "county", filterable: { cell: { showoperators: false, operator: "contains" } } }, { template: '<button type="button" class="delete-link"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" style="color:red"></span></button>', width: 45 } ], databound: function (e) { this.element.find(".k-filtercell .k-autocomplete .k-clear-value").remove(); $(".delete-link").click(function (event) { event.preventdefault(); if (confirm("do want delete row?")) { var currentrow = $(this).closest('tr'); var grid1 = $('#department-grid').data('kendogrid'); var curritem = grid1.datasource.getbyuid($(currentrow).data('uid')); deletedepartment(curritem.departmentid); } return false; }); $(".edit-link").click(function (event) { var currentrow = $(this).closest('tr'); var grid1 = $('#department-grid').data('kendogrid'); var curritem = grid1.datasource.getbyuid($(currentrow).data('uid')); hwcstorage.keys.updateid = curritem.departmentid; departmentupdateeditor(); }); }, scrollable: true, selectable: "row", change: function (e) { var detailrow = this.dataitem(; var departmentid = detailrow.get("departmentid"); } }); }
here pic of filters like
as can see in circle area's input not @ full width , leaves light blue. idea on how remove blue space input @ max width?
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