flask - marshmallow sqlalchemy no save data one-to-many model -
i'm building api rest using flask, marshmallow , sqlalchemy. iḿ tryng load model json using marchmallow schema, load dont return object, dict.
this code:
class models:
class holding(base): __tablename__ = 'holding' id = column('id', integer(), primary_key=true, autoincrement=true) uuid = column('uuid', string(36), unique=true, nullable=false) name = column('name', string(30), unique=true, nullable=false) status = column('status', enum(name='holdings_status', *holdings_status), nullable=false) type = column('holding_type', enum(name='holdings_types', *holdings_types), nullable=true) creation_date = column('creation_date', datetime, nullable=false) holding_user = relationship('holdinguser', cascade="all, delete-orphan") _holding_users = association_proxy('holding_user', 'id', creator=lambda _ob: holdinguser(**_ob)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'uuid' not in kwargs: self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if 'creation_date' not in kwargs: self.creation_date = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc) if 'status' not in kwargs: self.status = active_holding super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class holdinguser(base): __tablename__ = 'holding_user' id = column('id', integer(), primary_key=true, autoincrement=true) user_uuid = column('user_uuid', string(36), unique=false, nullable=false) holding_uuid = column('holding_uuid', foreignkey('holding.uuid')) relation_type = column('relation_type', enum(name='holding_user_relations', *holding_user_relations), nullable=false) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) marshmallow import fields domain.holding.model import holding, holdinguser marshmallow_sqlalchemy import modelschema
marshamallow schemas:
class holdinguserschema(modelschema): class meta: model = holdinguser class holdingschema(modelschema): holding_user = fields.nested(holdinguserschema, many=true, exclude=('holding_user', 'id')) class meta: model = holding
and post method:
@app.route("/holdings", methods=['post']) def create_holdings(session:session): if not request.json: abort(400) try: new_holding, errors = schema.load(request.json, session=session) repository.create(session, new_holding) return json.dumps(schema.dump(new_holding).data), httpstatus.created , {'content-type': 'application/json'} except integrityerror: return '', httpstatus.conflict except exception e: return '', httpstatus.bad_request
the repository.create() receive holding model , session persist in database.
the json in post is:
{ "type": "rural property", "name": "holding agriness xx", "holding_user": { "user_uuid": "7da74b34-7123-4269-9399-b4d0f2c9665e", "relation_type": "owner" } }
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