c# - How To Modify LinkedList Property -

i want modify item's property before add linkedlist. item i'm going add has 2 properties:productid , productvalue this:

public class product {      private byte _productid;     public byte productid     {         { return _productid; }         set         {             _productid = value;             notifypropertychanged("productid");         }     }      private uint16 _productvalue;     public uint16 productvalue     {         { return _productvalue; }         set         {             _productvalue = value;             notifypropertychanged("productvalue");         }     }  } 

now want modify item's productvalue according previous productid in linkedlist e.g. if previous.productid = 1, next.productvalue = previous.productvalue + 1 how supposed property using linkedlist<product> dll = new linkedlist<product>()? in advance!

so how can productid in linkedlist?

you can element in list using elemenat method access element in linkedlist.

using method can iterate for-loop through collection. can element this:

product previous = dll.elementat(i - 1); 

and access property this:

if (previous.productid == 1) 

this should make possible figure out rest. if still have difficulties, drop me comment


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