oracle sqldeveloper - What is a suitable data mining model to find the best Hospital? -

i have hospital ratings data-set , need find best hospital when broke leg. best data mining model can use , how find model better?

this design. need attach weight each of variables have, how attach importance variable.

is hospital location limiting factor? maybe can hobble 5 miles on broken leg, or maybe you're baller , can book private jet hollywood.

if don't have way connect api determine distance based on location , hospital address, you'll have throw out location altogether.

if broke leg, timeliness of care pretty important. if want boob job, don't mind waiting month or 2 long it's done well.

in case, effectiveness of care valuable variable. start that, work on adding in more variables , refining answer. happens if 2 hospitals have equally effectiveness? patient satisfaction might next important, etc.


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