
Showing posts from August, 2014

ios - PushViewController not animating -

i using code push viewcontroller: let internetusagehistoryvc = uistoryboard(name: "usage", bundle: nil).instantiateviewcontroller(withidentifier: "internetusagehistorycontroller") as! internetusagehistorycontroller internetusagehistoryvc.internetusagecardviewmodel = cardvm self.navigationcontroller?.pushviewcontroller(internetusagehistoryvc, animated: true) the navigation working animation not seem working. might related bunch of broken constraints have in screen navigating to... not sure... has faced issue?... suggestions? thanks

javascript - Stripe API Status 200 OK No Event Created -

i utilizing stripe api test key. have payment form posting stripe api endpoint, no event being created. when check stripe event/logs able see 200 - ok success message under logs tab submitted test payment, events tab remains empty. can't seem figure out. code below. here php processing payment: function wpay_stripe_process_payment() { if(isset($_post['action']) && $_post['action'] == 'stripe' && wp_verify_nonce($_post['stripe_nonce'], 'stripe-nonce')) { global $stripe_options; // load stripe libraries require_once(stripe_base_dir . '/lib/stripe.php'); // retrieve token generated stripe.js $token = $_post['stripetoken']; // check if using test mode if(isset($stripe_options['test_mode']) && $stripe_options['test_mode']) { $secret_key = $stripe_options['test_secret_key']; } else {

sql server - SQL 2016 Always Encrypted columns and SQL temporary tables (#temp) -

we looking solution implement "always encrypted" columns in database, using @ same time many sql temporary tables (#tmp). we explored alternate path - stop using #temp tables, mean high impact on our app in terms of time/cost. did find way write queries "insert #tmp select my_table", my_table contains ae columns? i tried applying same cmk , cek tempdb database, can create same structure #tmp table, structure of my_table. doesn't solve problem though - having tables in 2 different databases seems prevent data transfer. i'm looking sql solution, , not solution involves client app (c#, vb, etc.) has access encryption keys. insert operations in manner describing not supported encrypted columns. "insert #tmp select my_table" you have write client app achieve similar result. if want explore path, please leave comment , can guide you. you should able achieve similar in c# follows. do select * encryptedtable load data

python 3.x - Progress bar inside a button in Pygame -

the desired behavior is: when user hold mouse on button, dark gray progress bar appears , starts incremented @ constant pace. want able determine how long take fill (like 2 seconds). if mouse move out button before progress bar has reached 100%, progress bar should go straight 0%. if bar reaches 100%, program should print in terminal. here code: import sys import pygame import time pygame.locals import * os import path pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((900, int(900 * (16 / 9)))) clock = pygame.time.clock() black = (0, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) white = (255, 255, 255) background_color = (237, 225, 192) light_gray = (60, 60, 60) gray = (30, 30, 30) class button: def __init__(self, screen, x, y, w, h, button_color_active, button_color_inactive, text, font, size = 50, text_color = black): self.screen = screen self.game_folder = path.dirname(__file__) self.font = path.join(self.game_folder, font + '.ttf') self.x, s

sql - Filtering a query without having to write in the full name in Microsoft Access -

i made form in microsoft access textbox , query. whatever written in textbox shown in query (for example type customer1 , query displays rows have firstname(this column name) customer 1). i'm trying make don't have write full name of customer in order have query filter table. example : have customers named jhon, edward , mark, in order display mark have write in "mark"(the full name). want able filter out customers example first 2 letters of name "ma" when write "ma" in textbox. here code i've been using filter far : select * kupci forms.[form1].[text4] null or ( forms.[form1].[text4] = forms.[form1].[text4] , ime=forms.[form1].[text4] ); side-note : kupci means customers , ime means first name. query displays if there no text in textbox. thank help. my best guess following want: select * kupci forms.[form1].[text4] null or ime forms.[form1].[text4] & "*" if query had searched whole name

html - First Steps Towards a Chatroom -

i've been trying figure out how word ten minutes, made animation. animation shows i'm trying code. i've coded layout , design, can't figure out how make function. animation link i've been using dreamweaver write code , mozilla thimble upload it. i'm using html simple css stylesheet. know how use javascript, haven't found way use in code.* is there way code it? *yes, know <script> tag exists, can't find way apply solution problem. to start, need use javascript add functionality chatroom recording type, , using php , mysql add database of users talk to. maybe check out video starters: its not best chatroom make one. :)

What's the appropriate built-in Exception to raise if your library is used with the wrong Python Version? -

i have simple library distributed .py file. raise exception if library called python 2 instead of python 3: def _check_version(): if sys.version_info < (3,): raise _____exception('this library depends on python 3 strings. please ensure using python 3 instead of python 2') what built-in exception should raise? (how fill in blank above?) closest exception can find among builtin exceptions notimplementederror. deprecationwarning feels close, exception more appropriate in case. i'd use runtimeerror this; there no more specific exception.

javascript - How to set objects property not at the same place? -

i have model, lets say: export interface car { driverid: string; drivername: string; color: string; } in function want return an array of objects model, can build after few async calls happening in function, wanted declare empty array of model , assign relevant properties have them: public getlistofcarobjects(): car[] { let listofcars: car[] = []; self._serviceone.getids().subscribe( (res: driversinfo) => { string, idindex: number) => { listofcars[idindex].driverid = id; // more stuff api calls below , building object ... } but im getting error: error typeerror: cannot set property 'driverid' of undefined how, should this? thanks!! you have create object instance @ index referencing. create when receive data, either pushing value or setting index: listofcars.push({ driverid: id, dirvername: "", color: "" }); listofcars[idindex] = { driverid:

math - How to select planes on image having intersecting lines? -

so have canvas of size mxn , lines defined set of 2 2d points on canvas belong them [(m1, n1), (m2, n2)...] . how devide canvas onto planes enclosed such lines? example lines on image: lines given end points. want t planes formed line intersections , would-be line intersections if lines prolongated. can imagine them covering walls , other plane surfaces.

curl - error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number -

whenever executing below, why getting below error ? i have downloaded curl here: c:>curl -x post -vu webui:webuisecret https://localhost:8080/oauth/token -k -h "accept: application/json" -d "password=secret&username=ales&grant_type=password&scope=read%20write&client_secret=webuisecret&client_id=webui" c:\>curl -x post -vu webui:webuisecret https://localhost:8080/oauth/token -k -h "accept: application/json" -d "password=secret&username=ales&grant_type=password&scope=read%20write&client_secret=webuisecret&client_id=webui" note: unnecessary use of -x or --request, post inferred. * trying * tcp_nodelay set * connected localhost ( port 8080 (#0) * alpn, offering h2 * alpn, offering http/1.1 * cipher selection: all:!export:!export40:!export56:!anull:!low:!rc4:@strength * tlsv1.2 (out), tls handshake, client hello (1): * error:1408f10b:ssl routi

javascript - Problems with fonts css -

when publish iis project in mvc, following errors get http://localhost:8082/elaguilaportal/content/content/font/socicon-webfont.woff (index):398 http://localhost:8082/elaguilaportal/content/content/font/socicon-webfont.woff2 (index):1 http://localhost:8082/elaguilaportal/content/lib/materialize/font/material-design-icons/material-design-icons.woff2 (index):483 http://localhost:8082/elaguilaportal/content/content/font/socicon-webfont.ttf (index):483 the paths of files correct **** this how errors in link left checking many forums on internet tried many things none works me, route correct, in addition files if indicated this how refer @font-face { font-family: 'socicon'; src: url('../font/socicon-webfont.eot'); src: url('../font/socicon-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../font/socicon

javascript - disabling dot-notation in eslint -

i'm having trouble disabling dot-notation in eslint. below eslint config (for toy example): module.exports = { "env": { "browser": true }, "extends": "eslint:recommended", "rules": { "indent": [ "error", 4 ], "dot-notation": 0, "no-console": 0, "linebreak-style": [ "error", "unix" ], "quotes": [ "error", "double" ], "semi": [ "error", "always" ] } }; and here javascript: var x = { a: 3 }; console.log("x[a] = " + x["a"]); according this , 0 way turn off eslint option. doing wrong? setting rule value 0 turns rule off completely. means eslint not complain if try us

javascript - Show next image in Array onClick -

i working on setting images can clicked through on screen arrows. have images showing via loop , array. have been able set when hover on smallimage preview main image change image. aka can hover on them see larger version. my array within mongo model: listings.currentimages my current code below works small image take on featured image when hovered on. how change code work on screen left/right arrows? <% var imgsrc = awspath + listings.currentimages[0] %> <img id='mainpicture' class="image-resposive" src=<%=imgsrc%>> <div id='allimages'> <% for(var = 0; < listings.currentimages.length; i++ ) { %> <div class='smallerimages'> <% var imgsrc = awspath + listings.currentimages[i] %> <img class="small" src="<%= imgsrc %>"> </div> <% } %> </div> hover feature: $('.small').hover(function() {

algorithm - Triple Nested Big O with dependent indices -

i working on finding big o problem, , having difficulty third nested loop. here code for (int = 1 n) (int j = n) (int k = j*j n) //some constant operation the i forloop o(n). the j forloop (n + n-1 + n-2 + ... + 2 + 1) = (n-1)n/2 = o(n^2). but unsure on how consider k forloop. know 1 full loop of j (1 n), summation (n + n-4 + n-6 + ...) = sum_{k=1}^n (n - k^2), unsure on go there. any advice on how proceed great! when j greater sqrt(n), inner loop isn't entered. same true when i greater sqrt(n), because j starts @ i . therefore, can split work done 2 cases: on iterations i and/or j more sqrt(n) : k loop isn't entered, , it's not difficult prove time complexity done outer 2 loops theta(n^2). on iterations both i , j less sqrt(n) : first 2 loops run sqrt(n) times each, , last loop runs n times, therefore upper bound of number of total iterations o(sqrt(n) * sqrt(n) * n) = o(n^2) . in both cases, upper bound o(n^2), , fi

email - How to encrypt all mails in a maildir / IMAP-Account with S/MIME or PGP? -

hi, i encrypt existing mails @ imap account. if hacker entering account, unable read of mails. i have tried tool, encrypting mails in local maildir, did not found solution. solutions encrypt incomming or outgoing mails. still encrypted mails should excluded. know such tool or java libary working mails including attachments? encryption of not encrypted mails in dir / account. decryption default s/mime or pgp tools possible one key used: example "archive2017" thanks in advance same idea here:

javascript - Filter nested array of objects by object property in d3.js -

i have meteorite landings dataset. nested data in 4 keys, type: var databytype = d3.nest() .key(function(d) { return d.rectype; }) .entries(dataset); // original array this resulting structure: data now want create new arrays , filtering nested one: want each filtered array contain objects "mass" property inside defined range . tried this: // filter small meteorites var lightweight = databytype.foreach(function(d){ d.values.filter(function (object) { var mass = object.mass; return mass <= 100; }); }); but returns undefined . nesting giving me lot of trouble! do wrong? thanks in advance i think you're overwriting lightweight on each pass of foreach. instead try creating lightweight own object, adding keys want in loop: const lightweight = {}; databytype.foreach(function(d){ lightweight[d.key] = d.values.filter(function (object) { var mass = object.mass; return mass

Call executeXMLQuery() Oracle BI web service method and get error -

i called executexmlquery() oracle bi 12c web service method soapui , error: message: invalid document structure, entity publicid: , entity systemid: , line number: 1, column number: 1 sawsoapecode: uh6mbrbc please me.

java - Extract list of objects from WSDL XML with XPath -

i have following xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dataset xmlns="http://mrcs/"> <xs:schema id="estacoes" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata"> <xs:element name="estacoes" msdata:isdataset="true" msdata:usecurrentlocale="true"> <xs:complextype> <xs:choice minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element name="table"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="nomeestacao" type="xs:string" minoccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="codestacao" type="xs:string" minoccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="bacia" type="xs:string" minoccurs=&qu

Spark scala cassandra -

please see below code , let me know doing wrong? using: dse version - 5.1.0 connected test cluster @ [cqlsh 5.0.1 | cassandra | dse 5.1.0 | cql spec 3.4.4 | native protocol v4] use help. thanks cassandra table : cqlsh:tdata> select * map; sno | name -----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 ------------------------------------------- scala> :showschema tdata ======================================== keyspace: tdata ======================================== table: map ---------------------------------------- - sno : int (partition key column) - name : string scala> val rdd = sc.cassandratable("tdata", "map") scala> rdd.foreach(println) i not getting here? not error. you have hit common spark issue. println code being executed on remote executor jvms. means printout stdout of executor jvm process. if want bring data driver jvm before printing need collect call

ios - Type 'MapViewController' has no member 'mapTypeChanged' Swift Big Nerd Ranch Guide -

[type 'mapviewcontroller' has no member 'maptypechanged'][2] in line: action: #selector(mapviewcontroller.maptypechanged(_:)), there method maptypechanged @ bottom of code, i'm unsure why error says there no member maptypechanged ? i'm guessing maptypechanged needs declared variable (global?) import uikit import mapkit class mapviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller { var mapview: mkmapview! override func loadview() { mapview = mkmapview() view = mapview let segmentedcontrol = uisegmentedcontrol(items: ["standard", "hybrid", "satellite"]) segmentedcontrol.backgroundcolor = uicolor.white.withalphacomponent(0.5) segmentedcontrol.selectedsegmentindex = 0 segmentedcontrol.addtarget(self, action: #selector(mapviewcontroller.maptypechanged(_:)), for: .valuechanged) segmentedcont

R: Avoiding loops when using multiple conditions that are dependent on each other -

not sure title clear like. below code written out using loops: for(i in 1:length(varianttable[,1])){ #n stores counts of numbers of population totals of populations contain variant in question n = 0 #nf.pop stores frequencies nf.eas = 0 nf.amr = 0 nf.eur = 0 = 0 if(varianttable[i,]$eas_maf > 0){ nf.eas = eascount * varianttable[i,]$eas_maf n = n + eascount } if(varianttable[i,]$amr_maf > 0){ nf.amr = amrcount * varianttable[i,]$amr_maf n = n + amrcount } if(varianttable[i,]$eur_maf > 0){ nf.eur = eurcount * varianttable[i,]$eur_maf n = n + eurcount } if(varianttable[i,]$sas_maf > 0){ = sascount * varianttable[i,]$sas_maf n = n + sascount } varianttable[i,]$nonafr_n <- n varianttable[i,]$nonafr_weighted <- (nf.eas + nf.amr + nf.eur + } as can see varianttable[i,]$nonafr_weighted calculated based on conditions across multiple columns (eas_maf, amr_maf, afr_maf, eur_maf, s

arrays - Retrieving firebase data from a nested loop -

im stuck in weird situation. have users node, , have following , artists node. users r4mulkuhyjd1sqxwp8l7ualjh5h2 email: "" provider: "firebase" username: "alper" following r4mulkuhyjd1sqxwp8l7ualjh5h2 -ktvg3homx-su-uhhr55: 1 -ktvgo74fsoomqblblbr: 1 -ktvqyds-974cquwee6d: 1 artists -ktvg3homx-su-uhhr55 artistimageurl: "" artistname: "skid row" what want is: want find artists user follows, , id's getting artists infos. how trying this: fileprivate func fetchfollowedartists(withid id: string){ let ref = database.database().reference().child("following") ref.child(id).observe(.value) { (snapshot) in self.followedartistscount = snapshot.childrencount let attributedtext = nsmutableattributedstring(string: "\(self.followedartistscount ?? 0)\n", attributes: [nsattributedstringkey.f

xss - validate HTML in angular -

how can validate valid looking html below while validating html content received user/service. $sanitize not seem identify it. for example, <img src='image' onerror='alert()' /> how can remove of invalud html alert()? or $sanitize treat these kind of blocks valid html? tia

Detect Python micro version in Wix? -

i aware can use registrysearch find python. in fact, i'm doing. <property id="pythondetected"> <registrysearch id="python.machine.2.7" root="hklm" key="software\python\pythoncore\2.7\installpath" type="raw" win64="yes" /> </property> i check first if user has python installed, , i'm detecting correctly. however, problem i'm having code work if python 2.7.9 or upper versions. if user has python 2.7.8 or lower versions, there problem installation. i don't want that. want install newer version of python in case happens. how can check in registry (or in other way) micro version of python, decide whether install new version or @ least prompt user current python installation has outdated? any help, appreciated.

vuejs2 - How To Trigger Scrolling Techniques to Bring Back the Toolbar when using Vuetify -

i'm using vuetify's toolbar scrolling techniques feature on spa needs scroll top of container between each page transition. when trigger via javascript using scrolltop, scroll works fine, doesn't seem let vuetify know scroll has occurred , result primary toolbar missing. if particular page isn't long enough require scroll, becomes impossible regain primary toolbar. any suggestions on how can scroll user top of container javascript and have vuetify move primary toolbar place appreciated. <v-toolbar :scroll-off-screen="true" :scroll-target="'#scrolling-techniques'"> i've attached codepen link demonstrating issue. once scrolled down bottom of container, if "scroll top" button clicked, i'd expect both take me top of container, , reveal primary menu. i found solution question. if refer codepen in question, you'll notice example working. required foll

ember.js - "Missing translation" when running an Ember acceptance test related to ember-i18n package -

i'm writing acceptance tests ember component allows user toggle i18n settings via dropdown provided ember-select-list package. i'm using ember-i18n package i18n settings. dropdown component looks this: import ember 'ember'; export default ember.component.extend({ i18n: ember.inject.service(), languagepreference: ember.inject.service(), classnames: ['language-dropdown'], languageoptions: ember.computed('i18n.locale', function() { let i18n = this.get('i18n'); return i18n.get('locales').map((item) => { return { id: item, name: i18n.t(`languages.${item}`) }; }); }), onfinish: null, actions: { selectlanguage(i18n) { this.get('languagepreference').setuseri18npreference(i18n); this.get('onfinish')(); } } }); the language-preference service looks this: import ember 'ember'; export default ember.service.extend({ i18n: emb

windows - connect to server script on xampp -

i have remote windows server 2008, , install xampp on server. write server script, , on server, can invoke server script http://localhost/fire/myfile.php my question is: how invoke script computer? if ip address of windows server, url invoke script ? url doesn't work. if other computer in same network, attempt work. otherwise, if outside of network cannot access php-file internal ip-address. in case have use wan address, or set dns on wan-address , redirect incoming requests port 80 (or port want use) internal ip-address on computer running xampp.

angular - BehaviorSubject next not defined -

i getting runtime error when set next(..) on behaviorsubject firebase.user | null type. subscribe.js:165 typeerror: cannot read property 'next' of undefined here code thats causing issue. export class appauthservice { private currentusersubject = new behaviorsubject<firebase.user |null>(null); public currentuser = this.currentusersubject.asobservable().distinctuntilchanged(); private isauthenticatedsubject = new replaysubject<boolean>(1); public isauthenticated = this.isauthenticatedsubject.asobservable(); constructor(public afauth: angularfireauth) { afauth.auth.onauthstatechanged(this.onauthstatechanged); } onauthstatechanged(user: firebase.user): void { if (user) {; <------err; console.log('loggedin!'); } else {; <-------err this.isauthenticate

javascript - Uncheck radio button -

i'm trying set simple vue instance collection of radio buttons. goal that, if user clicks on radio button checked, uncheck respective radio button. couldn't using vue yet. here's code far: html: <div id="app"> <div v-for="(val, key) in list"> <input type="radio" name="radio" :value="val" v-model="selected" :id="val"> <label :for="val" @click="uncheck( val )">{{ val }}</label> </div> <button @click="uncheckall">uncheck all</button> </div> js: var app = new vue({ el: '#app', data : { list: [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ], selected: 'two', }, methods : { uncheck: function( val ){ console.log( val, this.selected ); if ( val == this.selected ){

c# - Get Music files details only -

basically trying details of music file inside android device (ex. music's title, artist, etc) , store them list<> . ( songdata contains list, , contains list of song object.) public void populatesonglist(context context) { songdata songdata = new songdata(); musicuri =; //used query media files. icursor musiccursor = context.contentresolver.query(musicuri, null, null, null, null); if (musiccursor != null && musiccursor.movetofirst()) { int songid = 0; //get columns. int songtitlecolumn = musiccursor.getcolumnindex("title"); int songartistcolumn = musiccursor.getcolumnindex("artist"); //add songs list { string songtitle = musiccursor.getstring(songtitlecolumn); //tried, file name not contain file extensi

oracle sqldeveloper - What is a suitable data mining model to find the best Hospital? -

i have hospital ratings data-set , need find best hospital when broke leg. best data mining model can use , how find model better? = this design. need attach weight each of variables have, how attach importance variable. is hospital location limiting factor? maybe can hobble 5 miles on broken leg, or maybe you're baller , can book private jet hollywood. if don't have way connect api determine distance based on location , hospital address, you'll have throw out location altogether. if broke leg, timeliness of care pretty important. if want boob job, don't mind waiting month or 2 long it's done well. in case, effectiveness of care valuable variable. start that, work on adding in more variables , refining answer. happens if 2 hospitals have equally effectiveness? patient satisfaction might next important, etc.

python - How to use local libs in python3 -

how import local libs in python3? setup.cfg [install] prefix=./ requirements.txt # cat requirements.txt docopt==0.6.2 """ usage: facility-list options: -h --help show screen. """ docopt import docopt if __name__ == '__main__': print('hellow world') shell pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 8, in <module> docopt import docopt modulenotfounderror: no module named 'docopt' why wont import work? after pip2 install have ./lib folder in project folder. python 3 allows use virtual environment. in fact it's built in feature nowadays. go folder project , type in python3 -m venv myvenv and it'll create folder called myvenv. next step activate virtualenv following command. source myvenv/bin/activate you're running inside virtual environment , can pip install.

PagedResultList .size() and .getTotalCount() return different values in grails gorm -

i have following code pagedresultlist res = myservice.getpage(paginateparams, ...) println res.size() // returns 2 println res.gettotalcount() // returns 1 getpage looks like: def criteria = mydomain.createcriteria() criteria.list(max: paginateparams.max, offset: paginateparams.offset) { // max 10, offset 0, sortby updatedat , sortorder desc eq('org', org) order(paginateparams.sortby, paginateparams.sortorder) } why 2 method return different values? documentation doesn't explain difference, mention gettotalcount number of records currently on grails 2.4.5 edits: println on res prints out: res: [ com.<hidden>.mydomain: 41679f98-a7c5-4193-bba8-601725007c1a, com.<hidden>.mydomain: 41679f98-a7c5-4193-bba8-601725007c1a] yes, res has single object twice - that's bug i'm trying fix. how know that? have primary key on mydomain's id, , when inspect database, it's showing 1 record particular org (see criteria) edit 2:

Info Android Studio and SQLite where clausole -

how add lang = xxx clause on code? have modified sqlite database , structure of same if there no language should call en language in clause. it's same function mysql php or changes? variablelang = locale.getdefault().getlanguage(); select ..... lang = variablelang public class wsdatabase extends sqliteassethelper { private static final string database_name = "db.sqlite"; private static final int database_version = 1; private sqlitedatabase database; public wsdatabase(context context) { super(context, database_name, null, database_version); setforcedupgrade(); } public void open() { database = getreadabledatabase(); } public cursor getlevels() { return database.query(constants.level_table_name, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public cursor getwordsbylevel(int level) { return database.query(constants.grid_data_table_name, null, constants.grid_data_table_level_id + " = ?", new string[]{integer.tostring(l

jmeter - Is there any way to pass external file path in -

when ever external files required need add or update in multiple machines in bin/ext instead of going each , every machine keep jars @ 1 place or folder updating folder automatically updates in machines. so there way , possible pass jars path in file? example: jdbc jars you can either amend/override existing property or add new property, picked on jmeter startup , accessible via __p() or __property() functions. in order add .jar jmeter classpath need define user.classpath property , specify .jar path in it. also aware can pass individual properties or property files jmeter slave engines via -g command-line argument references: configuring jmeter apache jmeter properties customization guide

linked list - C# how to modify the linkedlist node property? -

i have linkedlist class follows: public class dbnode<t> { private t _data; private dbnode<t> _prev; private dbnode<t> _next; public t data { { return this._data; } set { this._data = value; } } public dbnode<t> prev { { return this._prev; } set { this._prev = value; } } public dbnode<t> next { { return this._next; } set { this._next = value; } } public dbnode(t data, dbnode<t> prev, dbnode<t> next) { this._data = data; this._prev = prev; this._next = next; } public dbnode(t data, dbnode<t> prev) { this._data = data; this._prev = prev; this._next = null; } public dbnode(dbnode<t> next) { this._data = default(t); this._next = next; this._prev = null; } public dbnode(t data) { this._data = data; t

performance - What is "n nought" in terms of "big O"? -

i wondering term "n not", written n (subscript) 0, is. useful when proving big 0. believe "n not" determined after c. i trying prove 2^n = o(n!). c , "n not" in case? why? edit: i'd mention know big o on high level. understand 2^n = o(n!) means , know why it's true. i'm not @ writing proofs asymptotic notation.

c# - ASPMVC error navigating to Edit view using knockoutjs -

i using knockout js in navigating view. have list view displays items db table. each row has edit button should forward user edit view, when click it, doesn't display record's properties. here list view: <div> <span data-bind="text: catsearch"></span><br /> <table class="table"> <tr> <td><b>name:</b></td> <td><input type="text" class="input-sm" id="txtname" data-bind="value: namesearch"/></td> <td><b>category:</b></td> <td><input type="text" class="input-sm" id="txtcategory" data-bind="value: catsearch" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-bind="click: filterlist">search<

android - Understand OkHttp publicsuffixes.gz -

i'm doing small android application, apk has 382kb, , i'm using okhttp, looking inside apk, okhttp inserts file publicsuffixes.gz has 33kb (8~9% of total apk size). if exclude file follow code application crashes, necessary, question is, function of file , possible replace or modify reduce size? the exclude code: android { ... packagingoptions { exclude "publicsuffixes.gz" } } firstly, shouldn't fail if don't configure client support cookies. can provide stacktrace of failing? if need cookies don't care security (yolo!) suspect hack modifying to have empty file. seems bad idea, caveat emptor. break security around cookie handling, may or may not acceptable you.

excel vba extract picture from arraylist -

i have placed variable number of pictures inside arraylist. each picture has own name (through named range). don't know how retrieve each image , insert them cells. dim pic picture dim picarray object set picarray = createobject("system.collections.arraylist") each pic in picname = differentnameeachtime if pic.left = range(picname).left , = range(picname).top picarray.add pic end if next pic this works , can verified msgbox's. point of making activecell picture doesnt work range("g3").select x = 0 each pic in picarray set picobject = pic msgbox msgbox typename(pic) activecell.offset(0, x) = pic (doesnt work) activecell.offset(0, x) = picobject (doesn't work) x = x + 1 next pic you need change picture's location of target cell. so: pic.left = activecell.offset(0, x).left = activecell.offset(0, x).top

Input string was not in a correct format in ASP.NET with Access Database Project page -

dim meetingtitle= request.form("meetingtitle") dim meetingdate = request.form("meetingdate") dim fromtime integer fromtime = request.form("fromtime") dim totime integer totime = request.form("totime") dim roomname= request.form("roomname") if employeeid<>"" , meetingtitle<>"" , meetingdate<>"dd-mm-yyyy" , roomname<>""

php - Set a check-Post or process before accessing the document in codeignitor -

i'm working codeignitor. want set process or check-post in codeigniter should check user logged in or authorised or not before accessing document. currently, i'm checking user in normal process don't how documents because documents accessible using direct link to document directory , filename. for ex. "localhost/project/assets/docs/file.pdf" how prevent unauthorised access file?

apache spark - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/deeplearning4j/nn/conf/layers/Layer -

i trying build application on spark using deeplearning4j library. have cluster going run jar(built using intellij) using spark-submit command. here's code package com.spark.examples import scala.collection.mutable.listbuffer import org.apache.spark.sparkconf import org.apache.spark.sparkcontext import org.canova.api.records.reader.recordreader import org.canova.api.records.reader.impl.csvrecordreader import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.optimizationalgorithm import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.multilayerconfiguration import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.neuralnetconfiguration import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.denselayer import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.outputlayer import org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.multilayernetwork import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.weightinit import org.deeplearning4j.spark.impl.multilayer.sparkdl4jmultilayer import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.lossfunctions object feedforwardnetworkwithspark { def main(args:array[string]): unit ={ val