javascript - Will this custom element work? I've taken it off Material Design lite -

    class cardelement extends htmlelement {     constructor() {         super();          let shadow = this.attachshadow({mode: open});          let div = document.createelement('div');          let div_main = div;         div_main.classname = "demo-card-square mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp";         shadow.appendchild(div_main);         let div_sec = div;         div_sec.classname = "mdl-card__title mdl-card--expand"; = this.getattribute('src');         shadow.appendchild(div_sec);         let h2 = document.createelement('h2');         h2.classname = "mdl-card__title-text";         h2.innerhtml = this.getattribute('text');         shadow.appendchild(h2);         let div_three = div;         div_three.classname = "mdl-card__supporting-text";         div_three.innerhtml = this.getattribute('support-text');         shadow.appendchild(div_three);         let div_border = div;         div_border.classname ="mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border";         shadow.appendchild(div_border);         let anchor = document.createelement('a');         anchor.classname = "mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect";         shadow.appendchild(anchor);     } } customelements.define('card-element', cardelement); } 

i tried make card component ( custom element above given code. couldn't see appropriate output. appreciated since i've started develop applications web.

<card-element src="img.jpg" text="inside" support-text="can see i've done here!"></card-element> 

and showing me error: uncaught typeerror: failed execute 'attachshadow' on 'element': provided value 'function open() { [native code] }' not valid enum value of type shadowrootmode. @ new cardelement

so let me why isn't working or how should tackling problem.

you should use simple or double quotes open in attachshadow():

let shadow = this.attachshadow({mode: "open"}); 


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