java 8 - Convert List of Maps to single Map via streams -
i query db 2 columns first 1 key second one. how can convert resulting list single map? possible? have seen examples beans.
list<map<string, object>> steps = jdbctemplate.queryforlist("select key, value table"); // doesn't work map<string, string> result = -> s.get("key"), s -> s.get("value")));
you forgot convert key , value mappings produce string
final map<string, string> result = steps .stream() .collect(collectors.tomap(s -> (string) s.get("key"), s -> (string) s.get("value")));
full example
public static void main(string[] args) { final list<map<string, object>> steps = queryforlist("select key, value table"); final map<string, string> result = steps .stream() .collect(collectors.tomap(s -> (string) s.get("key"), s -> (string) s.get("value"))); result.entryset().foreach(e -> system.out.println(e.getkey() + " -> " + e.getvalue())); } private static list<map<string, object>> queryforlist(string s) { final list<map<string, object>> result = new arraylist<>(); (int = 0; < 10; i++) { final map<string, object> map = new hashmap<>(); map.put("key", "key" + i); map.put("value", "value" + i); result.add(map); } return result; }
which prints
key1 -> value1 key2 -> value2 key0 -> value0 key5 -> value5 key6 -> value6 key3 -> value3 key4 -> value4 key9 -> value9 key7 -> value7 key8 -> value8
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