c++ - QGIS cannot find headers file -

i'm trying create custom qgis desktop application qt 5.9.1

i have downloaded osgeo4w (x64) geospatial software set , github c++ qgis samples i'm facing error @ compile time:

cannot open include file: 'qgsmapcanvas.h': no such file or directory

actually none of above headers files under osgeo4w folder:

#include <qgsapplication.h> #include <qgsproviderregistry.h> #include <qgssinglesymbolrenderer.h> #include <qgsmaplayerregistry.h> #include <qgsrasterlayer.h> #include <qgsmapcanvas.h> 

but..shouldn't in dll libraries (eg qgis_core, qgis_gui ... ) ?

anyway, *.pro file:

template = app target = qgis_example4 qt = sql network svg gui core xml language= c++  includepath +=  "c:\\osgeo4w64\\include"  libs += -l"c:\\osgeo4w64\\apps\\qgis\\bin" -lqgis_core -lqgis_gui -lgdal_i -lgeos_c  defines+=core_export=__declspec(dllexport) defines+=gui_export=__declspec(dllexport)  config += qt gui exceptions stl warn_on debug thread  resources += resources.qrc  forms += mainwindowbase.ui  headers = mainwindow.h  sources = main.cpp \               mainwindow.cpp 

ps: there similar question on stackiverflow repeated because answers given did not give solution

solved: needed headers file found within "qgis-dev" branch of project.

osgeo4w : users cannot use osgeo4w reason or prefer there weekly snapshot of qgis-dev osgeo4w standalone installer

after installation can find header in:

c:/program files/qgis 2.99/apps/qgis-dev/include 

so .pro file

template = app target = qgis_example4 qt = sql network svg gui core xml language= c++   includepath += "c:/program files/qgis 2.99/include" includepath += "c:/program files/qgis 2.99/apps/qgis-dev/include"  libs += -l"c:/program files/qgis 2.99/apps/qgis-dev/bin" -lqgis_core -lqgis_gui  defines+=core_export=__declspec(dllexport) defines+=gui_export=__declspec(dllexport)  config += qt gui exceptions stl warn_on debug thread  resources += resources.qrc  forms += mainwindowbase.ui  headers = mainwindow.h  sources = main.cpp \           mainwindow.cpp 

although files present, still not able run qgis samples. maybe i'll move other sample or i'll custom basic application.


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