python: how can i make turtle perform certain actions from a list? -
data_sets = [ ['o', ['sheet c', 'location 2', 'upright'], ['sheet b', 'location 3', 'upright'], ['sheet d', 'location 1', 'upright'], ['sheet a', 'location 4', 'upright']] ['x', ['sheet a', 'location 1', 'upright'], ['sheet b', 'location 2', 'upright'], ['sheet c', 'location 3', 'upright'], ['sheet d', 'location 4', 'upright']], ]
i need able paste correct sheet correct location. current code able go right location can paste sheet_a_upright() , not sheet want example works list, pastes 1 sheet:
data_sets = [ ['o', ['sheet a', 'location 1', 'upright']] ]
the code can paste correct location doesn't paste right sheet. if make paste 1 of first 2 lists put @ start of question, paste sheet in 4 locations. code follows:
def goto_loc(data_sets): location in data_sets: if len(location)>1 , 'location 1' in location[1]: goto(-300, 0) sheet() elif len(location)>1 , 'location 2' in location[1]: goto(-100, 0) sheet() elif len(location)>1 , 'location 3' in location[1]: goto(100, 0) sheet() elif len(location)>1 , 'location 4' in location[1]: goto(300, 0) sheet() #function sheet should drawn data_sets def sheet(): style in data_sets: if len(style)>1 , 'sheet a' in style[1]: sheet_a_upright() return true elif len(style)>1 , 'sheet b' in style[1]: sheet_b_upright() return true elif len(style)>1 , 'sheet c' in style[1]: sheet_c_upright() return true elif len(style)>1 , 'sheet d' in style[1]: sheet_d_upright() return true #define sheet outline , fill def outline(): pencolor('black') penup() forward(100) pendown() fillcolor('green') begin_fill() left(90) fd(250) left(90) fd(200) left(90) fd(500) left(90) fd(200) left(90) fd(250) right(90) penup() end_fill() #function sheet in upright position def sheet_a_upright(): outline() def sheet_b_upright(): outline() def sheet_c_upright(): outline() def sheet_c_upright(): outline() # paste sheets onto billboard per provided data set def paste_up(data_sets): each in data_sets: goto_loc(data_sets) if sheet(): return #the number put data_sets[] depends on list want paste paste_up(data_sets[0])
how can code paste right sheet in right location , stop pasting once @ end?(i diddn't include code sheet drawing because long , not important, outline function draw border around location)
first, appear have mistyped - sheet_c_upright() defined twice.
second, sheet functions call outline() - intentional? if not, might why same sheet being drawn in locations.
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