Amazon S3 only returning Vary headers -

i'm trying setup cors s3 bucket. below configuration -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <corsconfiguration xmlns=""> <corsrule>     <allowedorigin>*</allowedorigin>     <allowedmethod>get</allowedmethod>     <allowedmethod>head</allowedmethod>     <maxageseconds>3000</maxageseconds>     <allowedheader>*</allowedheader> </corsrule> </corsconfiguration> 

when make request postman (including origin header), below response. response not have access-control-allow-origin header vary header.

http/1.1 200 ok date: tue, 12 sep 2017 04:24:54 gmt vary: origin, access-control-request-headers, access-control-request-method last-modified: tue, 12 sep 2017 04:09:59 gmt etag: "3a0b53f2dee09a17e509c5ba4fb0552" accept-ranges: bytes content-type: text/css content-length: 3805 server: amazons3 

how access-control-allow-origin in response?

please enable cors in api gateway below picture. provide cors when accesing api different domain (s3 bucket in case)

enter image description here


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