jquery get the input box value -

i have multiple text boxes , trying value of text boxes based on button click, , value of text box should shown.

// html code here <div class="addtext"> // input box value <input type="text" id="textval" placeholder="enter text" class="enter-text" name=""> // div of buttons add , update text <div class="buttonset">     // add button     <button id="addtextbtn" class="left">add text</button>     // update button     <button id="updatebtn" class="right">update text</button>                                    </div> 

// below code tried not able previous text box value  // button click event here jq('body').on(opc_eventtype, '#addtextbtn', function() {  // getting text box value here  var val = jq(this).prev().prev("input[type=text]").val(); // print on console console.log(val); 

first of need use .parent().prev() target input element.

second, if want work click event, use .on("click", '#addtextbtn', function()

third, opc_eventtype?

var jq = $; // button click event here jq('body').on("click", '#addtextbtn', function() {    // getting text box value here    var val = jq(this).parent().prev("input[type=text]").val();   // print on console   console.log(val); }) 

working demo

var jq = $;  // button click event here  jq('body').on("click", '#addtextbtn', function() {      // getting text box value here     var val = jq(this).parent().prev("input[type=text]").val();    // print on console    console.log(val);  });
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>    <div class="addtext">      <input type="text" id="textval" placeholder="enter text" class="enter-text" name="">    <div class="buttonset">      <button id="addtextbtn" class="left">add text</button>      <button id="updatebtn" class="right">update text</button>    </div>


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