vba - Why do I get an error that the database connection is still open when I load the second userform? -
i creating couple userforms in order pull data small local microsoft access database , create dynamic invoices (and other forms) in excel. in first userform, pull information out of database in order populate comboboxes data validation (user can select available options). close of connections after using them, when click button triggers second userform, error userform_initialize() cannot run because connection still open. i'm not sure how correctly close previous connection before opening new 1 in initialization subroutine.
cnn , rst set in module global variables , getbrand , getcustomer global functions return value of variables in order pass values sql queries. else should in these blocks of code.
code first userform:
private sub userform_initialize() dim cnn new adodb.connection dim rst new adodb.recordset cnn.cursorlocation = aduseclient cnn.connectionstring = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=c:\users\user\desktop\test.mdb" cnn.open rst.activeconnection = cnn 'populate customer combobox rst.open "select customer customer order customer" rst.movefirst me.customerbox .clear .additem rst![customer] rst.movenext loop until rst.eof end rst.close 'populate brand combobox rst.open "select distinct brand brand order brand" rst.movefirst me.brandbox .clear .additem rst![brand] rst.movenext loop until rst.eof end rst.close cnn.close end sub private sub commandbutton1_click() customer = me.customerbox.value brand = me.brandbox.value numofsku = me.qtysku.value piwiz.show vbmodeless unload me end sub private sub commandbutton2_click() unload me end sub
and here's code second userform:
private sub userform_initialize() 'generate controls in window based on number of skus entered dim top integer dim ccntrl control dim ecntrl control dim fcntrl control dim gcntrl control dim hcntrl control dim icntrl control = 1 numofsku d = 1 numofsku set ccntrl = controls.add("forms.combobox.1", "", true) set ecntrl = controls.add("forms.label.1", "", true) set fcntrl = controls.add("forms.combobox.1", "", true) set gcntrl = controls.add("forms.label.1", "", true) set hcntrl = controls.add("forms.textbox.1", "", true) set icntrl = controls.add("forms.label.1", "", true) ccntrl .name = "sku" & d .width = 90 .height = 18 .top = 5 + (d * 25) .left = 60 .zorder (0) end ecntrl .caption = "sku " & d & ":" .width = 35 .height = 25 .top = 5 + (d * 25) .left = 25 .zorder (0) end fcntrl .name = "asst" & d .width = 45 .height = 18 .top = 5 + (d * 25) .left = 190 .zorder (0) end gcntrl .caption = "asst: " .width = 30 .height = 25 .top = 5 + (d * 25) .left = 160 .zorder (0) end hcntrl .name = "qty" & d .width = 45 .height = 18 .top = 5 + (d * 25) .left = 280 .zorder (0) end icntrl .caption = "qty: " .width = 30 .height = 25 .top = 5 + (d * 25) .left = 250 .zorder (0) end next d top = ccntrl.top next 'open database connection dim cnn new adodb.connection dim rst new adodb.recordset cnn.connectionstring = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=c:\users\user\desktop\test.mdb" cnn.open rst.activeconnection = cnn 'begin populating these comboboxes while using d counter d = 1 numofsku rst.open "select mastersku brand brand = " & "'" & getbrand & "'" rst.movefirst me.controls("sku" & d) .clear .additem rst![mastersku] rst.movenext loop until rst.eof end rst.close next d cnn.close end sub
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